Colorado Chaser Convention: You going?

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date

Mike Hollingshead

Wondering who is planning on going and who isn't. I'm probably at 10% for going.

I sure would love to go. I've never been and really would like to experience this convention at least once.

However - the distance is just phenomenal and I'd need to take extra time off work which would lose me even more money. I'd really have to hitch a ride with someone else to split/save gas. But - probably not this go 'round. :(

I'm thinking of catching a plane and going to the convention in Feburary... I have never been to the convention before, and would most certainly like to attend. It's sure gonna cost me a few bucks, and I'd rather save up every penny I can for the quickly arriving new season. Still thinking, thou...
Mike, Karen,

Like to see both of ya out there! might be a good idea to start a thread (if somebody wishes) about organizing carpools to get out to DEN. Perhaps this thread would work.

It's amazing how cheap the gas becomes when you team up with 3-5 other chasers to split the gas bill. Get a few cars from Norman, a few from Omaha, Kansas City, Wichita, Des Moines, St. get the idea.

One doesn't HAVE to stay at the motel...try hooking up with some Denver area chasers and see if they'll let you crash at their house for a couple of days. Heck, a few can crash on my living room floor if they wish. That is....if you don't mind Coco licking you once in a while during the night....well...if you taste good.

The Colorado convention seems to go up an order of magnitude in quality every year. For those that have I off base here?

Anyways, I would encourage anybody that hasn't experienced this event to give it a try.

Heck, let the ST members speak for it!

Tim and Coco

Moderators: This thread is probably in the wrong spot.
Seems like it could be a cool experience. But I'm a little apprehensive because I don't really know anybody (aside from the VERY few of you that I've met out on the range), and my level of experience isn't anything close to those who live near enough to the Plains to chase regularly. What's the honest stance on relative n00bs such as myself?
I'm at 50/50 for going this year. Still working on details. Seems like every year I have every intention of going, but things come up and get in the way.

John - I wouldn't worry about not knowing people. People know you through Stormtrack, so you'll just need to introduce yourself. Probably the best thing about stuff like this is the fact that it lets chasers get to know you outside the realm of this online hubub ... helps people get to know people as they are, rather than based off of assumptions from their online 'personnae' or reputation ... in the real world I feel pretty shy and it's hard for me to meet lots of new people, but when I went to Denver in 2001 I felt at home and at ease. I'm sure you're experience would be similar.
Until I can go to Denver and still chase all the days I want to, I'm a perennial "no". I really enjoyed the years I went, but back then I was making the best money of my life, and it's just too expensive for someone like me (now). Not to be crass, but Denver has become something that's just out of my league.

I don't go to Denver for the reasons others do. I go to party. And doing Denver the way I do Denver would be over $500 in entertainment alone, and I simply can't justify the spending. To be honest, no one parties up there like I do, and five Benjamins is a lofty pricetag for a one-man fiesta :lol:
Unless I die beforehand, I'm there. A group of us are planning to carpool out, but final details haven't been worked out.

BTW, Tim, Roger, Dave and everyone else behind the scenes...thanks for all the hard work you put into the convention each years and I'm certainly looking forward to this year's edition!


I'm at 50/50 for going this year. Still working on details. Seems like every year I have every intention of going, but things come up and get in the way.

John - I wouldn't worry about not knowing people. People know you through Stormtrack, so you'll just need to introduce yourself. Probably the best thing about stuff like this is the fact that it lets chasers get to know you outside the realm of this online hubub ... helps people get to know people as they are, rather than based off of assumptions from their online 'personnae' or reputation ... in the real world I feel pretty shy and it's hard for me to meet lots of new people, but when I went to Denver in 2001 I felt at home and at ease. I'm sure you're experience would be similar.

Yes, the Storm Chasing community is odd in that many of us know OF someone, but don't necessarily know someone. It's always fun to be able to put faces (and vehicles lol) to names that we see so often on here, WX-CHASE, and other chasing lists and boards.

I'm undecided if I'll be going, mainly because of financial concerns. Last year was very good, so I want to go, so we'll see...
I was thinking of going but I just found out how much it costs. Now, I'm not sure. If I thnk of the gas to get there plus the price to get in, thats like 5-6 tanks of gas that I could be using for chasing. So I guess I need to hear if it is worth it or not.
If I thnk of the gas to get there plus the price to get in, thats like 5-6 tanks of gas that I could be using for chasing. So I guess I need to hear if it is worth it or not.

Depends on what you want out of it. If sitting through talks about case studies and technology and past events is your thing, you'll probably enjoy it very much. For my money, I'd rather chase an extra week. If I could afford to go and not put a dent in my chasing fund, I'd be there every year.
I'm a no go for several reasons:

a) too busy working on research/thesis
B) no money
c) even if I had the money, it is better spent on other things preparing for chasing ;)

I am pretty sure I'm going this year. I won't know until some time in January, but I am about 75% sure I'm in.
I should be settled in Denver by then, so I plan on attending. The registration fee is kind of steep, though. It's been a few years since I last attended... I don't remember it being so expensive.