I feel like I ought chime in as I'm now in the "old man in the group" club who has been there, done that...
Many will remember my 2006 incident in Texas where I destroyed a rental in a hailstorm while enroute to my father's wedding. Now while I certainly had ZERO intention to do that, I ended up detouring on my trip down to scope out a supercell near Seymour which ultimately rained down baseballs and took out most of the windows in the car.
Now I had rented the car to make the Denver-to-Midland drive as my personal vehicle at the time was in the shop and was not suitable for a lengthy road trip before the repairs. I had packed limited gear in case a chase happened, but did not leave with the intention to chase. Of course, I ended up doing so, and with very limited reliable data, did not do a good job navigating around the storm, and thus the car met her fate.
Where I went wrong (looking back as older Tony to younger Tony) was glorifying that incident. Now 2006 was certainly a much different time, and clicks and engagement of social media was not yet a thing, so for me, it was all in the name of a couple video sales (two, if I am not mistaken) and some bragging rights within chaser circles.
Now, I did take some heat as several chasers thought I had malicious intent despite my several years of willingness to destroy my own cars in hail, and one went so far as to call me in to the rental car company to tattle on me for intentionally destroying their car. The company did reach out to inquire about my rental intentions, and when I told them the primary reason I was renting, all they asked is that I provided some proof of the wedding, to which I immediately did, and never again heard anything about it.
It's been nearly 20 years since then (Jeezus Crackers, wtf)... and I have on multiple occasions taken rental cars into the field to cover storms, most recently last May when my car was getting her new transmission. I went to great lengths to keep her out of damaging storm hazards, and even got to enjoy an awesome hailstorm from the cover a car wash in Kansas. My younger self, while definitely not with the intent to wreck the car, certainly could've done better on the backside of that situation. But even now, I can say with total honesty that I have never intentionally, nor have I tried, to wreck out a car that was not one of my own, and I stand by that to this day as my chasing rental car record remains spotless, with not so much as a dent to speak of to this point (I have now jinxed the ever-loving crap out of myself).
Now like many on this thread, I do not know of this specific incident, nor am I going to go to any lengths to find out whom, because I imagine this is probably more common than we actually see. Some folks probably go to great lengths to avoid glamorizing what they're doing to rentals (intentionally or otherwise), and there are a few yougnins that don't care, and are taking the chance to get those clicks, donations, fast bucks, whatever, and hope that their actions go unpunished.
Honestly, this isn't anything new. The end result, a rental that's destroyed due to chasing, regardless of intent, has happened on countless occasions across dozens, if not hundreds of chasers. When certain chasers are more visible in the public eye have done it, some quite obviously so, and there hasn't seeminly been any repercussions, my guess is that a vast majority of these cases are closed up with no action toward the chaser at hand as the car is probably written off and it would cost them more money to try and get anything out of the chaser than it would be to insure loss the car and get a new one). I suppose a few have been black-balled, but with plenty of rental companies around, it's hard to imagine someone attaining enough destruction to lose the ability to rent a car via any company. But if chasing hasn't been specifically outlawed by rental companies by this point, I can't imagine that anything big is going to change.
So my HOPE is the idea of renting a car to total it out in a storm for clicks, views, money, fame, whatever, is a very VERY limited one. But to those who have that idea crawling around in their one-braincell noggin, don't be stupid, stupid. I have a hard time believing in karma sometimes, but I hope those that have those intentions do get their just desserts.