Sean Ramsey
This forum makes zero net money. It survives almost exclusively on donations, minimal ad revenue, and is paid for out of pocket by me, the owner. This thread is part of a website/forum that is built to discuss events like this and other things. I highly doubt that Reed Timmer was motivated to destroy a car with hail so that it could be discussed on Stormtrack. So this thread does not prove why anyone would engage in this behavior.
I was more speaking generally about an audience and people's tendency to not be able to look away, whether it's here, FB, YT, X, etc. and not really about Stormtrack or this thread specifically. The fact is that he did it, we're talking about it and the same happens on other venues as well. It makes money for him. I watched the video linked in the thread. Think of how many shares that video gets across all social media and the compounding views.
I don't know what his motivations were or if he had any at all, but it's on YT with a title that is made for eyeballs.
He does it, we (the public) watch and talk about it. Simple as that. Doesn't matter where it's discussed.
Edited for clarification.
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