Colorado Chaser Convention: You going?

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date
Im going.

As for price...last convention I went to (not storm related) cost $1500 for 3 days...$80 is a steal.

Anybody in the indiana/ohio/kentucky area that *MAY* want to carpool (my car & I cover gas, we split hotels) out let me know. We can make a long several days of the way out and back and maybe get a chase or two in weather permitting. I'll be crashing at a relatives house in denver so an extra couple bodies should be fine.

airline tickets being the prices they are driving just might be cheaper
I thought about going, but schedule wise, doesnt appear things are going to work out this time around. Come March, I'll probably have some time off, so I'll likely be in attendance at the National Severe Weather Workshop in the OKC area.
Keep in mind that registration fee also includes your dinner on Saturday night (unless something has changed I don't know about, if so please correct me Tim), so it really is a good bargain. Just look at previous years speaker lineups and the ones that are getting lined up for this year. You won't find another lineup of that quality of speakers in the severe weather realm at any other event I don't believe, and it's all geared with a CHASER audience in mind. Not a conference about weather that chaser just attend that's geared for spotters, or EM folks, etc etc. It's all completely for the chasers!

I learn something every year, and it's interesting to see what some of those doing research are doing, getting to visit with people you "know" in person and even though it's growing exponentially every year, seems like you really know everyone there. Heck, it's fun just to climb up and sit in the DOW units. (I may be speaking out of class, but I hear they may be on scene again this year.)

And if your a newb thinking you might feel out of place, don't worry, I met several people there last year that had never been chasing before and wanted to learn more, and DID. You won't be the only beginner there.

I am always sad when it's over. Kinda reminds me of when you went to camp when you were a kid and had fun and hated when the time was over and you had to go home.

First year I went I stayed in a nearby Motel 6 to save on money. It's more fun staying in the same hotel though, and it's affordable if you can stand to share a room with someone.

I do need to pass most of the kudos on to Tim and Roger though. What I do with internet promotion pales in comparison to the monumental task those two go through to pull it all together.
I'm hoping to go for the first time. Timing works out this year since I've gotta be in Chicago for business Sunday night so gotta fly anyway and maybe I can get the client to pay for the extra leg (yeah, right).
I'll most definetly be there! :D Last year was my first time, and I really had a blast listening to the awesome speakers, watching the cool videos and meeting other weather fanatics for the first time! I also got to see Mike Nelson again (I know him pretty well) and got to meet Dr. Forbes from the Weather Channel, which was really cool for me since I've watched him since I was eight years old. Besides, it's only a hundred miles to Denver from where I live, and I'll be able to come by myself this year (I had to drag dear old Dad along last year, but he did actually enjoy it) since I turn 16 on Monday and I can get my driver's license in January 23rd! Yay! :D
Look for a gold Mercedes Benz 300TE station wagon with Colorado plates; that's my ride. I look forward to seeing y'all who can attend in February for another action packed weekend of presentations, videos and general storm chaser hob-nobbing!
I am definitely going. I've gone the last couple of years and have had a lot of fun. Most importantly, the conference is educational. I have learned a lot that is directly applicable to chasing. The talks are understandable even to someone that has never taken a single meteorology course. I also enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new people, many who I have only known via internet postings and chase reports. It's also a lot of fun to hang out and swap chase stories, ideas and chase techniques. There is also a nice selection of vendors and there is the opportunity to handle eqipment and talk with the manufactuer's reprsentatives (ie StickyPod or Weathergraphics) Of course, there is always wild video and the chance to talk with the chaser who shot it (ie "I was on that storm from the other side" etc.)

I keep costs down by using frequent flyer miles. For further cost reductions, I would suggest sharing hotel rooms, carpooling or even staying at a cheaper hotel nearby.

Here are some images from last year:

The conference keeps getting better and better.

Bill Hark
I'm almost certainly going for the first time.

At the moment I'm leaning towards a road trip. Hey, I enjoy driving! If anyone from NM, Az, or S. Cal would like to carpool, please holler. With multiple drivers, a one-day dash would be relatively easy. If driving alone, or with a like-minded co-driver, I may well take an extra day or two and do a slower tour of the Southern Rockies in winter.

I am 100% sure I am going. Going to carpool with Mike D, Jeff M. and a few others. It should be a great time and I look forward to meeting a lot of you that I haven't yet.
I've attended two Denver conventions and had a blast both occasions. Not only was it a cool chance to hang out with real-world friends without the pressure of keeping up wtih a storm, but I met some veteran chasers willing to tell great stories.

The talks are always solid and the video presentations were fun. I commit to going every year, but like I said, I've only made it twice. Seems there''s always some unforseen chase-related expense at the beginning of the year. I guess I'm 50/50 at the moment.
I belive this will be my 5th year going to the Chaser Convention. Kersten and I are likely to go again in 2006. The last few years we flew in on friday evening and enjoyed the Ice Breaker. Then spend all day saturday watching all the programs, dinner, and video night.

Then on sunday we head out to play in the mountains and the snow since this is the only time of year we see such winter scenes after coming in from tropical South Florida.

Then fly out on monday midday and head back to thaw out and pack away our very small collection of winter gear.
I went in 2002, which was, I believe, the last "Colorado Chaser PARTY". I went again in 2003, and it had become a convention. You'd think that the name change wouldn't really mean anything, but it did. I felt like I should have been paid for what seemed like training for work.

I'm not politically correct, and I can go to any number of severe wx workshops, etc. I may go again someday if the fun police get sent to some dark place where they belong, and I'm convinced it will be fun again.
I'm not politically correct, and I can go to any number of severe wx workshops, etc. I may go again someday if the fun police get sent to some dark place where they belong, and I'm convinced it will be fun again.

Not trying to pick on you Bob; everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, but what do you mean by the fun police?

I'll be attending again this year simply because I've enjoyed myself and had a LOT of fun the past two years! I've also got to meet a lot of greet people who I haven't had the privilage of meeting out on the chase, and even got kicked out of the Holiday Inn lobby last year (right David and Graham?) :)

I think $79 is a bargain for the quality of speakers and the great commaraderie that comes along with the convention.

