Colorado Chaser Convention: You going?

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date
Although it's a bummer I have other stuff going on this time, it is quite amazing how fast the next one comes around. I'm looking foward to next year's. I can't believe the first month of '06 is wrapped up already. Weren't we just sitting down to Christmas dinner?
I was really hoping that I could afford to go but it's either the convention or chasing this year. I'm hoping for next year. Unless I win the lottery (and I don't play it so it would take a bit of an unusual circumstance for me to actually win), I will not be there. Well, the season has already started and May will come pretty soon, I hope.

Originally posted by Susan Strom
Although it's a bummer I have other stuff going on this time, it is quite amazing how fast the next one comes around. I'm looking foward to next year's. I can't believe the first month of '06 is wrapped up already. Weren't we just sitting down to Christmas dinner?

Tell me about it Susan. I have a todo list that is 5 pages long, with another todo list for chasing that is a full 3 pages now!!! But, I AM getting some things checked off of it finally!
I filed most of my paper work this past weekend ... still got a good $250 roundtrip ticket from JFK to COS where my relatives live so I should have a truck to get me to Denver for the festivities.

If anyone needs local transportation in and around the area, just let me know ... I used to live in Laramie, WY and I'm very familar with Denver, just stay off Colfax if you catch my drift :wink:

Otherwise if anyone is interested in sharing a room and reducing cost, please PM me or email me ... non-snoring type, though I have been told I talk in my sleep ...

Good Restaurant Suggestion: Wynkoop Brewery (Downtown)
Originally posted by Benjamin Sipprell
...and I'm very familar with Denver, just stay off Colfax if you catch my drift :wink:
Yep, he's familiar all right! :lol:

Another good place to eat for those who don't mind a trip to the west side of town; a cheapo mexican joint called Bandido's! Mega yums and mega cheap!!!
Unfortunately in recent days I found out my dad will not be able to go to the convention. And since I'm a minor, I can't get a hotel room, which really sucks. Add in the fact I don't have enough money to pay for convention cost and hotel room for two nights, so I guess I'm going to have to VERY grudgingly forgo attending the Convention this year. :evil: Looking at the number of posts by other ST'ers in regards to financial constraints preventing them from attending, I'm comforted by the fact that I am not alone. Maybe next year after I've made some money with my photography buisness... :)
To everybody who can attend: Have a great time. :D Forbidding financial failure of my photography buisness (not likely at all) I'll see y'all next year. After all, we'll turn around twice and it will be time for the Chaser's Convention '07 (hey, that rhymes; coool) 8)
I would love to go, but I have niether the money nor the time to go this year. I definitely plan on going in 2007! And I plan on making a killer amateur DVD to present that year! Hope to see you all then.
Originally posted by Tony Laubach+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tony Laubach)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Benjamin Sipprell
...and I'm very familar with Denver, just stay off Colfax if you catch my drift :wink:
Yep, he's familiar all right! :lol:

Another good place to eat for those who don't mind a trip to the west side of town; a cheapo mexican joint called Bandido's! Mega yums and mega cheap!!![/b]

A co worker has been pimping Beaujo's Pizza. Are their Mountain Pies as good as he says? Google Earth shows one along the way, at 470 and S. University. I might get one on the way in, what do you guys like?

FWIW, I'll be driving up Thurdsday ~ Friday and am hoping the forecast snow doesn't get too bad.

Originally posted by Mark Farnik
Unfortunately in recent days I found out my dad will not be able to go to the convention. And since I'm a minor, I can't get a hotel room, which really sucks.

Why not just drive down for the day?
I'm extremely glad to say we will be attending for our first time this year, It'll be my fiance Katie, my good friend Chris, me and we're also sharing the room with Benjamin S. so its gonna be like a chaser slumber party for four days so that will be cool. We're extremely excited to put faces to names and just to meet everyone. Just watch, I'll have to much too drink at the icebreaker and try to buy everyone a shot, if this happens please feel free to stop me because I have done it before and I can't afford it. :lol:
Just a heads up to all who are flying/driving in Wednesday/Thursday: a long duration snowstorm is looking to come in on Tuesday night and has the potential to dump considerable amounts of snow in the area. Fortunately for travelers it looks like the heaviest snow will be north and east of Denver (good news for me, since I'm a hundred miles northeast of Denver :D and would love a snow day 8) ) but Denver could be in for a solid 4 to 8 inches, maybe more depending on the storm track. Just keep abreast of the situation and plan ahead, because these 4 Corners lows can bomb out quickly and dump massive amounts of snow without much warning.
The hotel for the conference

I'm in Denver at the hotel and it is pretty good. It is not right on the strip or anything with lots of shopping right across the street but there are a few places to eat within a mile and the hotel room service is priced ok for the food. You could and I did make a meal out of the Nacho's alone.

The WIFI, yeah well, internet sucks for speed here. Download was about 256K.

Time to get some sleep, a few of us are heading up to Summit County to go snowmobiling tomorrow.

Oh yeah, not sure about all the rooms but the suites have the sleep number beds.

Doug, the snow will be very good! I skied at Breckenridge today and 5 inches of fresh powder made it a great ski day.

Of course, as fate would have it, severe thunderstorms occurred back home today - my wife headed to the basement with the 2 cats when the sirens blew. No SVR at our house, but 3-inch hail was reported a couple miles west of the STL airport, where my car is parked. It would suck big time to get my car trashed by hail sitting at the airport, when, so far, I have managed to avoid any damage on chases. But what the hell, it was a great ski day, whatever happened or didn't to my car.

See everyone tomorrow - skiing at Loveland tomorrow, then will head for the hotel in time for the welcome reception.