Chasing Rita Preperations/Info

Mike Hollingshead

I thought I'd start a thread for about any information on chasing Rita. Sort of like a TALK thead would have been like. I'm toying with the idea of going if it is around the Galveston area. I'm wondering though just how hard it will be to get a hotel down there. Something is telling me the chances of finding a motel would be very remote. If I went I doubt I'd care to be all that close to the coast, expecially since Galveston is also under sea level(or at least I thought it was). Guess it is time to pull out the Delorme book for TX.
Im seriously considering putting together a team of a couple other people, nowcaster and heading down in the next couple days. Though im not sure if I am able to get down there as quick as I'd like to make the necessary arangements so maybe I will pass. Who Knows.. If anyone from the northern plains is interested drop me a line.
I don't know if the threads are still around, but last year there were many discussions about how to safely chase a hurricane. Lots of good do's and don'ts. Its obviously much different than a tornado chase.

I wouldn't count on staying in a motel. If you find one that is sturdy and open go for it, otherwise plan on hunkering down in a parking garage. Keep you tank topped off, and bring equipment to plug multiple flat tires. One spare wont by enough. Also, get yourself ready for no sleep, no a/c, and lots of soda.

Also, once the storm leaves be prepared to follow it out of town. Several storm chasers intercepted Katrina in New Orleans and made a quick exit before the city fell into chaos.
I am going to chase this one. I am in the process of making all the necessary preperations. I doubt I will get a hotel room (assuming I could find one). I am planning on sleeping in the car before Rita hits and then getting out of town as quickly as possible so I can try to sell some video. Has anybody ever used that foam fix a flat crap? Does it actually work?
Has anybody ever used that foam fix a flat crap? Does it actually work?

I think it does work, its a good option. A plug kit is cheap too, team that up with a cheap electric pump and you can be the tire man. It goes with out saying, make sure your spare is in good shape too.
During Katrina, two chasers had to be rescued. They diverted emergency services during the biggest humanitarian crisis in American history. This should make every chaser who gives a shit about the warning system literally sick to his or her stomach.

I hope if anybody rushing to Galveston this weekend finds themselves on a roooftop or some other harrowing situation, that they'll have the self-respect to wave away emergency services until every last resident is secured.
Originally posted by Michael Gribble
I am going to chase this one. I am in the process of making all the necessary preperations. I doubt I will get a hotel room (assuming I could find one). I am planning on sleeping in the car before Rita hits and then getting out of town as quickly as possible so I can try to sell some video. Has anybody ever used that foam fix a flat crap? Does it actually work?

It works but you must be careful to let the tire guy know you've used it when you go to have the tire actually replaced. Something about the chemicals in it pose some type of hazard...or so I heard long ago. main thing to remember is it's not a permanent fix, more of a "donut" to get you to the tire shop.

As for the wench herself, I seriously doubt I'll drive to the coast, canes ain't my idea of fun. But the outer rainband tornadoes that will no doubt be exceptionally close to home are tempting. Then again, Norman will probably kill this too - it's killed every other type of severe weather.
Originally posted by Chris Sokol
Making plans here also. I will make my final decision within the next 24 hours or so. This one is too close to home to miss.
I agree with you on that one. I know one of the DOW's is going down there and I will hopefully be going with them, but if I don't get to go with them, then I will probably make plans on my own and team up with some OUN people.