I am ahead of some insane action on HWY 70. I have arrived in
Paducha Tx. after some aggressive chasing on this side of
Plainview. Theoretically I have been chasing a strong tornado or tornadoes. Thats what I hope has happened, my vision will come back to me after the reports come in and I can paint a much better picture. I will stop here in
Paducha and grab a high power energy drink, check radar and plan my next attack. I will be in
Vernon Tx. within the hour an keep on these cells. This works out great, because I can keep up with the action through Wichita Falls, and head up I-44 through
Lawton/OKC/Tulsa all the way home to SGF. The area of my intense chasing has taken place on a route starting around 20z leaving
Logan, New Mexico where I managed to get some cool time lapse photography of a LP cell blow up to my immediate north and may have produced briefly, and headed down I-40 veering south on HWY 385 through Hereford around 21z where I intercepted initiating cells and chased that action down through
Spring Lake and rode HWY 70 through
Plainview/Paducha, and ended up in
Vernon Tx at around 22-23z. So, hopefully if my memory is correct, in the morning I will be refreshed by the updates.
I want to keep these cases rolling, this is exactly the stuff we all need to stay sharp this coming season. . .