3/5: FCST: Friday MI/KY/TN/OK

Can you believe this one?

I am currently writing this in a library in central Kentucky :?

Damn - I thought I would at least get something, but everything turned to crap.

Pudacuh Radar showed some thunderstorms moving toward me quickly and intensfying, but I dought I will see anything severe.

Wind gusts have been pushing 40+ mph - but I drove into the "slight risk" area for nothing - 5 hours away. :x

This is the last time I chase this early in the season. :x

Hoping for just some lightning.

Driving all that way just to bust certainly is no fun. But, at least you got out and tried to make something of it!

Well, right after I wrote this a few thunderstorms passed over me -- one produced a 65 mph wind gust which I just reported via online to the NWS.

It was nice to get that far south anyway.