3/12/06 NOW: KS/MO

Confirmed tornado has passed through Springfield, IL and continues to rampage to the northeast at 50 mph towards the Mt. Pulaski area. Clinton, IL looks to be the next major town in the path of the storm. Frankly, I would not be suprised to see this storm make it into Indiana.
Back west, the dryline is going absolutely ballastic. Multiple large tornadoes on the ground in west MO, possibly in northeastern OK as well. Some cells are starting to get their act together W/SW of Chicago metro and moving towards it, God I hope they don't go tornadic.
Storm NW of Sedalia continues to look impressive at this time with a tight couplet and well defined appendage. A line of supercells continues to form along a dryline from about Kansas City to Tulsa. The storm near Maysville, OK just about to move into MO appears atleast on radar, to be a fairly well organized supercell as well...
I disagree... most of the reflectivity in the IL storm is rain (near the hook echo) Debris will show up at high reflectivity in an isolated location in/near the tornado.

With all these large tornadoes happening,its amazing there are no fatalities or injuries. Not unless they are unknown of...
WILL Radio in Urbana, IL reporting severe damage, including numerous gas leaks in Springfield. Not good, gang.

Reports now of the tornado in Latham, IL as of roughly 5 minutes ago.

EDIT: Sorry MODS if this is getting off of the posting subject matter. Back to the nowcast-style posts.
Any reports from Whiteman AFB? It appears that a tornadic cell hit them dead on.
Originally posted by Kevin Statler

With all these large tornadoes happening,its amazing there are no fatalities or injuries. Not unless they are unknown of...

KRCG (Jefferson City) met. stated mayor of Sedalia has confirmed one fatality and at least 2 injuries from the 1/2 mile wedge tornado that went south of there earlier. Caught a small tornado northeast of Clinton, MO from the same storm that went on to produce the monster. FWIW, this is the same storm that just blasted Springfield, IL. Will post storm report with photos tomorrow.

Should be out chasing but given the fact it's dark and the road network isn't that great, playing it safe and arm chair chasing until the storms start knocking on my doorstep.