Jason A.C. Brock
If that radar simulation is to be even half correct that Jim Posted the Wichita Falls area is going to be in some serious trouble after 8pm and continuing for severeal hours with multiple supercells coming into or very close to the city of Wichita Falls not to mention the several small towns in Western North Texas. The actual stormtracks at times look similiar to to the Terrible Tuesday scenario. I know its jsut a simulation and I also am not getting my hopes up for anything in February till I actually see it. I will be heading out tomorrow early afternoon towards the Altus Childress to Shamrock area. I am concerned storms may actually fire similiar to the model radar simulation and we get an Isolated Beast of a storm down near ABI towards sunset or jsut after. We may be sitting in Western Oklahoma droooling over the laptop looking at radar.
Ill just be hunting lightning and perhaps some illuminated storm structure type pics once sunset occurs. Even the lightning Illuminated tornado pics I have seen dont have be jsut drooling to try and get one. Then again I am a more of a structure and photographic chaser rather than an actual thrill seeker.
Everyone keep an open and clear mind tomorrow and have fun chasing and keep your head on a swivel....if it feels like something is wrong...more than likely it is...

Ill just be hunting lightning and perhaps some illuminated storm structure type pics once sunset occurs. Even the lightning Illuminated tornado pics I have seen dont have be jsut drooling to try and get one. Then again I am a more of a structure and photographic chaser rather than an actual thrill seeker.
Everyone keep an open and clear mind tomorrow and have fun chasing and keep your head on a swivel....if it feels like something is wrong...more than likely it is...