2/13/2008: NOW: Gulf Coastal States

Aug 16, 2005
Albany, New York
2/12/2008: NOW: Gulf Coastal States

At 1:00 pm EST, a large supercell with attendant TVS and strong gate to gate shear is moving just south of New Orleans, LA. This storm is pretty fierce and there are strong indication of a tornado in it.

Other strong thunderstorms currently over the FL Keys and points south are expected to become severe this afternoon and tonight with current shear values indicating some supercell and tornado threat.
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Mods--need to correct thread date to 2/12.

Several warning in Covington County, MS, are beginning to pick up intensity--tvs figures that had been hovering in 50-60 kt range are now up into 90+. These must be some very small spinups.
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