11/31/2006 - 12/1/2006 REPORTS: Midwest/Plains snowstorm

Michael Rogers

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If you do not have a first-hand report please do not post in this thread. These threads are for first-hand reports only.
Absolutely brutal here in Peoria. Nothing is moving. The streets are still being cleaned off. We had near blizzard conditions most of the morning. Visibility was at times less than one block. I positioned myself in the downtown area. Took a ton of photos between 3 a.m. and 9 a.m. this morning.

We had thunder with sleet and snow. I would guess somewhere between 12-14 inches of snow around the downtown area. Drifts are over the hoods of cars - even up to the windshields.

A LARGE number of photos can be viewed on this thread


There are over 100 photos within that thread.

Here are some good ones


It was a 5 hour drive+ up here. No telling how long it will take to get home.

Hungry and tired!



Here in Norman, it started with heavy sleet. The sleet started around 5pm and lasted until mid-morning yesterday. That's when the snow finally got here.

Of course, by that time, the sleet had compacted down into at least 1/2 inch of ice.

Norman received anywhere from 2-5 inches of snow, depending on where you were.


I measured a 9 inch drift, and a few inches of actual snowfall.


This is my truck, plastered with ice and snow.
Here in Kansas City we got pounded with two systems!! One on Wed. that brought lots of ice and sleet. Followed by another on Thurs. that brought to my area 7-10". There are also numerous drifts that exceed 12". Here are some photos I took while documenting this monster of a storm.


Here is the ice accumulating on the trees in my frontyard in the early afternoon on Wed. Nov. 29.


Blowing snow was common on Thurs. Nov. 30 during the afternoon and evening.


Due to strong winds a cool looking scultured snow thing hung from our roof.


My backyard from early morning taken today.
Ended up with 11" here. The snow seemed a bit drier than what I thought it would be. May be a bit above 10:1 ratio snow. Nevertheless, we got a lot of it this time.

What an amazing drop off in snow amounts in eastern Iowa!

Here's a few pics I took after shoveling for two hours lol.



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Okay, here's a few more pics. Last night as the snow began I kept poking my head out my front door and snapping pics basically in the same direction. You can see as the snow begins to accumulate. I wish I could have stayed up all night and taken more as it really started piling up, but I got too tired and crashed as 4am approached..

In this first pic, it had only been snowing a half hour or so, and was just starting to cover the ground. Picture was taken a bit after 1am.

About an hour and a half later I shot this one, now with about 2" with heavier snow falling. Notice the wind whipping it around. Sorry for the poor quality, but I don't do my camera justice on night pics..

The next pic was taken just after 3am, with nearly 4" down. Snowfall rates were near 2" an hour at this point with winds gusting to about 30mph.

This picture was taken early this afternoon from a slightly different angle, but you can still see most of the same stuff. As you can see, the storm is now long gone, but left 11" of the white stuff in it's wake.
11/30-12/2 Oklahoma snow chase

This yankee boy felt right at home after our record setting snowfall, I know its made me even more envious for you fine people back up north,.. Still this last storm gave me hope that winter does still happen in the midst of our global warming.

After a very mild early morning on Wed. (28Nov) the artic front roared through around 7:30am dropping temps from 60F to 36F in one hour, occasional very light drizzle and freezing drizzle was the rule the rest of the day as temps sank below 32 by early afternoon with winds gusting to 45mph at times. That night, warm air advection plus increased vertical velocities in response to the approaching upper level vortmax set off showers of freezing rain and sleet and thunderstorms by early evening, thankfully the ice just missed my place to the southeast but lightning was still visible..

Early the next morning (Fri. 30Nov), the initial wave of heavy snow and sleet announced its arrival with a couple loud cracks of thunder... I quickly dressed with camcorder in hand and head out the back door to an intense burst of sleet mixed with very large snowflakes.. and winds that were between 25-35mph... I thought it was strange seeing such large flakes of snow along with the wind.. by 8:30, close to two inches of snow had fallen, snow was intermitten between light and moderate but winds picked up, at times gusting to 50mph, frequently reducing visibilities to less than a quarter of a mile.

I took off around noon and drove all around Piedmont then headed up toward Kingfisher, despite near white out conditions at times, travel at least for me wasn't a problem thanks to my four wheel drive SUV. I ended up in OKC early in the evening, a brief respite came over late in the afternoon as the centre of the system passed over, then the back side hit with 1-2"/hr snowfall rates...The only white knuckler for me was the last two miles of the trip back home as finger drifts crept across the road, some were almost as high as my bumper... I barely made it, even in four wheel drive. The storm ended by mid evening, the winds died down to next to nothing within an hour after the snow stopped.

Yesterday morning dawned a landscape that you would typically see in North Dakota (at least where I live) about 6" of snow fell but drifts were anywhere from a foot to three feet deep. Temperatures sank to 4 above zero which had to be a record for so early in the season. Needless to say, the winter freak in me was out in full glory soaking up the sights with lots of pictures and video... was out again thismorning at the crack of dawn, an icy mist hung over the snow drapped prairies with temps in the low to mid teens... alot of life's trials and tribulations were made small with this wintry gift from above.

It's a good day to be alive.

Blessings! Rocky&family
Okay, I'm tired, so I'll keep it short:

Aaron Ruppert and I left Norman wednesday night for what we thought might be the region with the heaviest snow with the intentions of camping in the snow storm in a TENT! We were greedy and didn't want to settle with the 6 inches Norman would get so we ended up camping in Osceola(spelling correct?), MO. It was fun and hell at the same time. Got 13 inches at our campsite in town and spent 4+ hours clearing a path just a little wider than my car that was 300 meters long! Then drove down I-44 passing an insane amount of wrecks mostly caused by semi-trucks (hate semis) to get back to Norman. Good training for overnight sleeps on large mountain climbing expeditions.