Storm south of Lawton OK has a DBZ of 59 and a VIL of 59 so probibly some hail with that storm and gusty winds.

Storm east of Davenport IA had a DBZ of 66 and a VIL of 46. It does look strong and it looks like the cell east of that one is now severe warned. Show is not over yet. Just not any tornadic storms at the moment but lightning should be good :)

DVN storm is weakening and now only has a DBZ of 61. New tornado watches are going up and SPC currently discusing adding one for IL that could include Chicago.
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Geez, merry friggin Christmas to the KLOT radar. Every new GRLevel3 scan, there is a new 45-60 dBz precip core in N central IL. Something has triggered explosive development over the last 30 minutes. The DVN cell is starting to bow out, this might be tonight's damaging wind event in the early stages.
No one is an idiot for chasing / not chasing today. This day had Armageddon written all over it, and it had "bust" written all over it as well. I had to work, so I just decided to stick close to home (OKC). In years past, I would have been right there with you - driving 1800+ miles to watch it rain!

You know, I'm almost convinced that the early season events which are often times slight or moderate risks often produce much better than these late-season, high risk events. I think it just comes down to the cap strength. I know, I know - there's a lot more to it than just the cap. But today's system appeared to be so widespread, it had linear written all over it, IMHO. And hell, we haven't even seen much linear (yet).

I don't fault or laugh at anyone chasing today. It's very frustrating, yes. But everyone just think about this - 2007 has been one hell of a year as far as chasing, and it's not over at all. The pattern remains active for the next several days.

I'm sure a discussion forum will begin, if not already. And actually, that's where this comment belongs (sorry MODS). Just wanted to close on a high note. Perhaps a lot of good lightning photos later tonight? Here comes the cold front into Oklahoma! http://www.mesonet.org/public/current.html
Perhaps those storms down by Lawton area will take off? They sure look good on radar, and the first T-stm Warning (Cotton Co.) of the day in OK !!!

Chin up all. Cheers,
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As of this writing, we've done 1,741 miles the past two days (that doesn't include a hotel stay) and have had our a$$es handed to us. Sitting on US75 north of Tulsa, wondering what, if 5000j/kg and 85/72 can't do it, can make a decent storm in Oklahoma.....also trying to figure out why this amemic storm doesn't seem to be moving much.....winds at all levels are racing. But at this point I really don't care why it's not moving.

I'm looking for.....holy sh$%....lightning just hit a radio tower a quarter mile ahead of us....anyway, I'm looking forward to some greasy food, a shower, and some sleep. You win Mother Nature, ya biatch.

EDIT: BTW, if anyone read my morning post regarding our decision to blow off the northern target today, you know I'm an idiot.

Storms still going strong and even increasing in the northern IL and MO sector.

I would'nt fret,

It looks like the north was not nessesarily a bang up day for many people either. I missed my flight to chicago and had to paint the bathroom instead...:confused: :mad: I would rather have been out there.
Well I am in an interesting dilemna. Sleep tonight or not. Work tomorrow 7 AM. New convection firing to the west heading in my general direction. Good picture opportunities and could break in my new anemometer tonight. Storms look pretty intense out there, airmass outside is still very muggy and unstable, cold front appears to be a few hundred miles behind that convection. New MCD issued for WT360-62. New watch likely for my area and the rest of us NE IL chasers. :( If only this was 6 hours ago!
i am not quite sure what it could be either. the only plausible thing i could think of would be dust.

its the same color behind the cold front as and infront of the dry line.

Hopefully this isn't too offtopic (if it is, feel free to kill it, mods); however, a rather massive dust storm rolled through Lincoln, NE today at around 7:30PM. Well, storm might be too strong of a word; it was a hazy deck of dust that was, I would guess, at least 5,000 feet tall and stretched from horizon to horizon. As it passed over the winds picked up big-time and the color of the sky changed a bit.

This may not be the same feature you were talking about -- I dunno. But dust storms are definately on the menu today on the plains.
I wonder how long the OK storms can stay "cellular," before the CF undercuts and they become outflow-dominant? I smell MCS over S/C Oklahoma & N/C Texas!
SVR just out for storm north of Bartlesville.

The storm in SE KS had a hook for a couple of scans, then went straight line.

Looks like a loud night for some people!

Edit: storm in OK just went TOR warned! That was quick!

Shane, there's hope for you yet!
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Quite a beast of a thunderstorm moving into Ogle and Lee counties in IL! :eek: It's kinda made a right turn too. SVR says 60-75mph wind gusts along with quarter size hail! This arises the question: With the tornado threat becoming negligible, could a PDS SVR watch be in the cards for the Chicago Metro area tonight?
Looks like some outflow or something shot out of the storms in SW/SC Oklahoma you can see it on the loop. Lightning is almost constant with them per my visual observation :p
Quite a beast of a thunderstorm moving into Ogle and Lee counties in IL! :eek: It's kinda made a right turn too. SVR says 60-75mph wind gusts along with quarter size hail! This arises the question: With the tornado threat becoming negligible, could a PDS SVR watch be in the cards for the Chicago Metro area tonight?

Looks to track right over the top of my house!!
Camera's ready!
Clutch! A new WT363 issued for Chi-town. This just punches my ticket of no sleep tonight. God I miss my bed. Waiting for that I 80 south to Quincy line to blow up, those'll be the suckers to get me. I am certainly expecting an MCS however.
Quite a beast of a thunderstorm moving into Ogle and Lee counties in IL! :eek: It's kinda made a right turn too. SVR says 60-75mph wind gusts along with quarter size hail! This arises the question: With the tornado threat becoming negligible, could a PDS SVR watch be in the cards for the Chicago Metro area tonight?

Not a PDS svr but a tornado watch. the wording has moved away from a largescale severe event in both the watch discussion and the local forecast discussion. the line is also building to the sw slowly.
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Yep Angie, I saw that on OUN's advanced web page as well.

Cells continue to rapidly go near Tulsa, while the ones south continue to struggle. I'm hoping a squall line will light up in the next few hours and I can make the drive out west of Norman to catch some lightning photos. ;)

Looks like the cold front has just about reached Woodward, so maybe by midnight - 2am the squall line will get going. As for the tornado-warned cells up north, I sure hope this doesn't turn in to an overnight tornado outbreak! Those chasing, be safe out there.