I'd like to be sitting in the OKC area, but no way I'm going to deal with heavy rush hour traffic, especially on a day like today. With storm motions today there's no way to keep up in high population areas, so I'm going to hope things develop just to the south. Unfortunately if things go just to the north of OKC you won't be catching up...and if you setup north of OKC and things build to the south you won't catch up...so I'm just hoping to get lucky. We might get a good supercell stay just south of a Chickasha to Purcell line. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
Yep, your best bet would be to line up where the expected storm motions (ENE 30-40 mph) would not cross the South Canadian until you are at Purcell or so. CU field is deepening in SC Oklahoma and Central Oklahoma where the SBCAPE is as high as 6000. Winds continue to back a bit (now SSWLY) so hopefully that trend continues a bit more. I'm still watching and waiting...I think I'll be heading to Chickasha or Duncan so I can see the CU a bit better. Definitely some decent tops out to my W right now...
The mobile phased array radar group is currently sitting in Blackwell perusing data (obviously, we're behind the dryline, so we aren't targetting here). Current mesonet obs and KTLX 88D BR1 imagery indicates a potential mesolow developing west of OKC. A fineline marking the dryline seen from KTLX appears to take an S-shape near I40, and westerly winds are being reported at Fort Cobb (to the south of the feature). In addition, a few obs in central OK (e.g. Washington and OKC) have backed ever-so-slightly to due south. These obs may be somewhat misleading given that surrounding obs are still showing SSWSW obs (between SSW and SW). I'm worried about the drying on 18z OUN sounding, but even the slightly drier layer above the sfc is still 62-64F tds for the most part. And this assumes that the sounding is actually representative (it apparently bumped into something on the way up)...

We're giving hard thought to driving down to Guthrie to get back into the moist sector. Several high-res WRFs continue to show initiation before 00z between OKC and TUL near I44.

FWIW, I'm wondering about the area just north of the Red River as well... Good set up 73-74F Tds are currently in southcentral OK and adjacent portions of TX, and winds along the river appear to be from the due south. Mesoanalysis indicates weakening of cap down there as well.I wouldn't be surprised to see something down there near Duncan and west of Ardmore.
Jeff mentioned concerns about the drying on the 18Z OUN sounding. It should be noted that this drying is likely not real, but an artifact of the radiosonde that sometimes shows up.

Best area of cu on vis satellite right now is west of Wichita Falls TX, with more extending north from there.

The storms near KC are really getting their acts together. Supercellular appearance on radar ... very hard, crisp updrafts/anvils. Absolutely perfect looking anvils on these bad boys. Flying eagle appearance on the one over Platte City as well. They're trucking, but I don't think these storms should be discounted from becoming tornadic soon. Several breaks in the line and there is good separation between cells.
Currently sitting in Chandler Oklahoma checking data again. I am torn whether to move south or north of current location. Winds appear to be more backed to the south, but I wonder about the cap strength down there. I think I will hedge my bets a little more and head a little further west to the OKC metro region before making a final decision. Happy hunting to all who are out today!
I think I may go camp out in Pauls Valley, OK for a little while. This places me just south of the OKC area and just to the east of where initiation should occur, with roads that can take me in all directions rather quickly.
Storm in WI north of Sparta is showing strong rotation and has had a possible tornado for awhile now. Also VIL showing large hail is probibly falling north of Sparta. I would be suprised if this did not have a tornado on the ground right now.
Storm nearing Lisbon, IA is rapidly intensifying and has exploded to 35K + feet. Shear marker placed on eastern portion with 1" hail or bigger.
WKBT-TV out of La Crosse, WI is receiving reports and pictures of ~3" diameter hail in the Bangor area of La Crosse county. They're also streaming live coverage on their website if anyone is interested. http://www.wkbt.com/ the link is below the 'top stories' purple bar. They are now saying they've received a law enforcement report of a tornado in Bangor at 320 CDT.
Looks like new development begining in NE/NC Illinois, NW of Chicago. My GRlevel3 is showing developing cells in McHenry County up to about KMKX. Mesonalysis showing 2000 J/kg SBCAPE with a weakening cap. Looks like a few stations to the south are reporting more southerly surface winds.
Looks like new development begining in NE/NC Illinois, NW of Chicago. My GRlevel3 is showing developing cells in McHenry County up to about KMKX. Mesonalysis showing 2000 J/kg SBCAPE with a weakening cap. Looks like a few stations to the south are reporting more southerly surface winds.

it also should be noted for those in NE illinois, KLOT's radar is not up right now

KLOT also has a live update on NOAA weather radio right now
I am aware of this, and that is terrible by the way. A PDS in effect and no local radar. I have been using the Davenport radar, though it may not show accurate information due to distance. Severe hail markers on a cell in McHenry county right now.