Colin P.McIntyre
In Edmonton we have started to get about a skiff of snow in the last
two days.We need more for two reasons.
(1)Going down to San Jose CA for Christmas this year and need more
snow to get ecited about the fact im leaving it for 12 days.
(2)The Farmers in Alberta need the moisture in a big way,summers are
getting dryer.I am yet to see a winter were you have to put flags on
car bumpers so you can see them over the snow drifts seperating the
east west lanes on city roads.
two days.We need more for two reasons.
(1)Going down to San Jose CA for Christmas this year and need more
snow to get ecited about the fact im leaving it for 12 days.
(2)The Farmers in Alberta need the moisture in a big way,summers are
getting dryer.I am yet to see a winter were you have to put flags on
car bumpers so you can see them over the snow drifts seperating the
east west lanes on city roads.