Hope to get insight from the more experienced gurus.
In an attempt to become more accurate with wind warnings I've raised a few questions regarding wind gust potential (WGP) from collapsing thunderstorms.
You can read some background on why here:
1. Is initial outflow boundary/gust front direction based upon storm direction or more on surface flow?
2. How far can collapsing thunderstorm winds effectively maintain their potential for moderate to severe criteria based upon frictional effects of different terrain types such as suburbia or open land?
I know that microbursts affect area of 2.5M or less and macrobursts affect larger areas. Are these areas the immediate area where the winds will occur or the thresholded distance stronger winds can maintain potential?
I have the reflectivity loop link posted on the page. This storm in particular sent and outflow over 150Miles but I was in a data parsed area.
Any feedback would be awesome! Thanks!
Hope to get insight from the more experienced gurus.
In an attempt to become more accurate with wind warnings I've raised a few questions regarding wind gust potential (WGP) from collapsing thunderstorms.
You can read some background on why here:
1. Is initial outflow boundary/gust front direction based upon storm direction or more on surface flow?
2. How far can collapsing thunderstorm winds effectively maintain their potential for moderate to severe criteria based upon frictional effects of different terrain types such as suburbia or open land?
I know that microbursts affect area of 2.5M or less and macrobursts affect larger areas. Are these areas the immediate area where the winds will occur or the thresholded distance stronger winds can maintain potential?
I have the reflectivity loop link posted on the page. This storm in particular sent and outflow over 150Miles but I was in a data parsed area.
Any feedback would be awesome! Thanks!