What's the next best thing to add to my vehicle?

I have a Maximum Signals Rockies amp that serves my Verizon aircard via a direct plug in connection, and ALSO serves my iPhone via a cradle. It only took one weekend of being in a marginal signal area for me to go spend the money on whatever it took to get data. So, I would buy the Rockies amp with cradle to serve your iPhone now, and it will also serve your Verizon aircard if you go that way later. Look for one used to save some bucks.

Spend the $10 per MONTH for AllisonHouse for data during the months you chase. No contract.

BTW, don't let anyone else define your safety. You don't want to be a moron with a million flashing lights, driving like a fool, but I have a yellow safety light visible ONLY from the back of my Xterra (I'm not pulling people over, or expecting people to yield to me on the highway. There is NO reason for lights to be visible from the front, IMHO). Whether recovering other vehicles with my winch, sitting in the dark where a tree has fallen across the highway waiting for LE, or sitting just off the road in the dark and rain storm chasing, I need to be seen. I have a box with 15 minute flares, and reflective triangles and use them when the time is right. But, there are a lot of times when the safety light is the best option. My wife is always in the truck with me when we are on our "adventures". I'm going to do the right thing to keep both of us safe.
I went out yesterday and bought the largest tackle box that Wal-Mart had, and filled it with first aid supplies: gauze pads and rolls, tape, band aids, splint, eye wash, antiseptic wipes and spray, and other items. You don't know what you might come across while chasing, and I think that taking the time to stop and help victims of a tornado if you can is not only the right thing to do, but lets the public know that storm chasers/spotters are interested in more than the forces of nature that ruined their lives.

Also, as fair warning to any other chasers I may meet this summer, I do have a lightbar on my truck, but I got it before I ever thought about getting into storm chasing. I use it mostly at wrecks and roadside, and it has a switch on the control panel that allows me to light up only the rear LEDs, leaving the front ones off, if necessary.
Hey Guys,

Was looking into the Millenicom service. So you are saying these guys use Verizon towers? I already have a kinda new AT&T card and there is no contract and the service cost is about the same. I am about to get one of those new wireless amps, and I was wondering if my performance on my att card would be the same as verzion while using the new wireless amp. Also, would it would be worth getting this card for free with the Millenicom March deal?

Novatel U760 Device

All depends on each carriers coverage in the areas you are chasing . Verizon has 3G on their whole network whereas AT&T only covers about 35% of their network with 3G everywhere else is what they call EDGE which is about 3 times dial-up . I would ask chasers that cover the same areas that you do that use AT&T cards and ones that use Verizon Cards.

Hey Guys,

Was looking into the Millenicom service. So you are saying these guys use Verizon towers? I already have a kinda new AT&T card and there is no contract and the service cost is about the same. I am about to get one of those new wireless amps, and I was wondering if my performance on my att card would be the same as verzion while using the new wireless amp. Also, would it would be worth getting this card for free with the Millenicom March deal?

Novatel U760 Device

I was wondering if my performance on my att card would be the same as verzion while using the new wireless amp.

ATT is vastly inferior compared to Verizon. I have both and use the ATT primarily as a backup as I tether my phone and its just a few dollars on top of my voice plan. There are huge gaping holes in their coverage though. Most of South Dakota is completely dead data wise. Even on I-90 I could barely get voice. An amp is not going to help much out there. I had 3G much of the way through SD with Verizon though.

Also, would it would be worth getting this card for free with the Millenicom March deal?

Yes, its a great deal. I'm not sure why anybody would do anything else unless they already had their data setup. I just ordered that package a couple nights ago and will be using it for my main data source.
WOW. Thanks Guys!! Think you just answered all my questions Skip and Gordon.

Yeah, I figured we will be all set. We have WX worx, iPhones on ATT and now we will get the verizon. Three sources of data. Works for me!

Thanks so much!