Tornado Safety Table

Mar 5, 2004
Des Moines, Iowa
Hi ya'all.

I'm looking for any ideas or suggestions, beyond the usual "here's a brochure... sit in your basement..." conversations and exchanges. I've got the generic NWS and EMA/ESDA type stuff to hand out, but I'm just seeking other more interesting things to do beyond that.

Thanks in advance. :)
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Ideas for Tornado Safety Booth

Why don't you make up a multiple-choice test for people to take? Test their knowledge of tornadoes and safety. Vary your questions from easy, average knowledge, and somewhat advanced - then give them an answer key to score themselves. This should spark their interest beyond just picking up a brochure, and help them learn something in the process.

I used this technique when I coached Little League baseball, and the kids loved it!
Just get them to watch Twister and then assign a two page essay on "what not to do", based on their observations of the movie.

Actually, the Pinky and the Brain version is an even better example. :lol:
If you really want to capture their attention, include information about local events. People tend to pay attention to and care about stuff they can relate to. If the info in the pamphlets is about OK or TX weather, then someone in IL isn't likely going to be all that concerned by it. On the other hand, info about an event that happened in or near your city will likely be much more attention getting to them. So get some stories about local severe weather events and make those available. Perhaps keep a stack of them underneath a sign describing the individual events on the tables.

If you want to go really high tech, you might produce a video/DVD through your agency and include in it info from all relevent sources, such as NWS mets, emergency managers, area tv/radio mets and possibly even survivor stories from locals of past severe weather events. By using a video, you will be able to present info in a very detailed manner and thanks to editing, you will be able to make sure it's delivered perfectly, with nothing left out. At a public meeting or conference, you are only reaching the people present. But by giving them something with interesting local events, they are likely to take it home and view it, where it may reach others in the family. So it seems reasonable that among a group of 50 people, you might actually reach 100-150 more by simply providing a vid. And you can keep costs down by doing it yourself, so long as you have access to the necessary equipment.

I am a fire chief of a local volunteer fire department and have also served as a deputy EM director. Because I have always been a weather nut (for a lack of a better term), I was tapped to take care of all the severe weather related stuff, including presentations and safety talks. One tool I loved to use was video demonstrating exactly what various severe weather events were capable of doing. I would try to keep programs involving kids relatively to the point, without getting overly scary, as you don't want to terrify young children. But for older audiences I always loved to show the clip of the Pampa, TX tornado tossing those vehicles when discussing why you don't want to remain inside a vehicle during a tornado. Then for mobile homes, the Fritch, TX tornado drives home the message pretty well (plus you get some lightning safety in there as well!). I also used video of cars being swept away by flood water. In other words, I'd make a short video showing examples that reflected the points I was trying to make verbally. Strong visuals can do what words can't, so have something like this prepared in a chronological order that will flow well with your presentation. But again, the goal is to grab attention, not needlessly frighten. So when showing such clips, describe the actions that can be taken to minimize the danger associated with such threats.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but if any new ideas pop into my head, I'll post them. Hope this helps.
