Well, I've had a few fingers pointed my way, calling me out as disrespectful and such but I do not see how. If anything, I'm being too nice and sincere. This thread was directed toward the jackasses that are being irresponsible and careless while chasing, whether or not they have been chasing 10 days or 10 years. Let me sum it up, I feel like a lot of you have misinterpreted the point of the thread.
I feel that the truly passionate chasers are the only ones that reallybelong in the plains. If you're there just to see something "cool" or to be "cool", you're in the wrong field. I see a strong correlation between this and irresponsibility. I'm not saying that just because it's not in your heart, you shouldn't be doing it. I just feel like there's too many people that are going out "because it's cool" (don't believe me? browse around Youtube for 30 minutes). It tends to be those individuals that behave carelessly.
I never said you had to chase the "old school way". I simply said that if you don't know how to chase without all the techno crap, then you probably need to reevaluate your stance. Any chaser that is worth his weight should be able to hold his own in the field. I have no problem with using an air card, GRLevel, or writing my own software. Technology is great and it's making our chases easier... while making it more appealing to those that have no prior knowledge as well. Trust me though, go out on just one chase without all that crap, and see how much better it feels at the end of the day. Maybe I should've worded it differently, I apologize, but that's the way I feel.
Timmer, Discovery crew, etc... I respect Timmer as a person but I don't respect his ways. The infamous "BACKKK UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!" video turned the tides for me. Hell, we all enjoy being "close"... but sometimes, your life just isn't worth "the perfect shot". I don't feel like bashing him or calling him out directly but you get the idea. His show reflects on the public's view of storm chasing and he is misrepresenting us as something (most) of us are not. Great, he's getting a PhD and is making $500,000 a year, good for him. I'm happy for him. I just don't like his behaviour during chases. It's nothing personal.
"....for someone to to tell other inexperienced chasers to stay out of the great plains? Ridiculous and selfish."
Let me break this down, ok? What I said was that the plains is no place for the "inexperienced, uneducated and misinformed individual". You don't agree?
If they don't know what they're doing and they don't care to learn... then it's my opinion that they need to GTFO. How is that being disrespectful? Would you attempt to climb Everest or K2 without any prior training? Hopefully not. Safety should be our top priority. When you have to watch out for 50 people around you that have NO clue as to what's going on, there is a problem. There is a HUGE difference between an inexperienced storm chaser that is wanting to learn and some idiot that just wants to see something so they can brag about it. Get what I'm what I'm saying, man?
I don't see anything wrong with people that are inexperienced chasers, as long as they are responsible and are willing to learn. Granted, I should've worded it differently (maybe I should rewrite/take down the whole thing), but I think you understand where I'm getting at. I'm not bashing the inexperienced chasers (hell, we were all in that boat at one point and some of us still are!) by any means, I'm just stating my opinion. I feel that if your heart and mind isn't in the game then you should probably check yourself. I don't see anything wrong with that.
This whole thing boils down to lack of responsibility by both the experienced and inexperienced. There's always going to be a few bad apples that can ruin it for everyone around them. I think the stunt that was pulled the other day is the perfect example of this. Risking the lives of their crew, other chasers, and the general public with absolutely no regard for safety. Experienced or not, that was just plain stupid.
Are all chasers like that? NO.
Are all inexperienced chasers like that? NO.
It's always hit and miss. But I feel that those that behave like that (in actions and in words), whether or not you're a "paid professional".... it's just flat out wrong. It's time to start "self-policing" the problem.
Hopefully that clears it up. I just feel there's some things going on in the community that needs to be addressed and I'm not afraid to bring them to light.
To those of you that conduct your business irresponsibly... here is not the place to give you a piece of my mind. But I will say that you should be ashamed and you need to do something about it.
And to those of you that are responsible, I look up to you. So thanks for enjoying our "hobby" without almost getting everyone around you killed.