Well, I've decided its come to the time where I give my two cents on this subject. I've been wanting to reply for awhile now, but have been holding back, but cannot any longer...
Here is how I see it, and this is a very logical viewpoint:
1) ST was reorganized for a reason. There were problems with the way it was, and it had to be fixed. I applaud Tim for making the changes he did. The forum was turning into chaos.
2) On to the politics and religion viewpoint. Why would you want to discuss something where people already have an established viewpoint? You can argue up 100 pages of posts, but in the end you will see the two sides won't have changed their minds at all. And its not just politics that I see this on, its any topic that turns into a debate. Debating turns into a chaotic environment that pushes people into anger. Its very hard to convince people that their viewpoints aren't right. It's human nature to stand your ground and continue battling. So lets leave politics, religion, and other debates off of this forum. Why can't we engage in friendly conversation about topics (i.e. discussions) in the new Bar and Grill?
3) On to the newbie and "weather weenie" thing. ST has been serving chasers since 1977. Bingo. You all knew this when you first came to this board, you signed up anyway after reading the rules and regulations, and now people are saying that nonchasers and weather weenies should be allowed to have memberships. For one, to be a chaser, you don't have to drive 10,000 miles a year and see 25 tornadoes. There is nowhere on this site proclaiming that. A chaser could be someone who ventures out around his locale pursuing local severe storms. This person would in fact be a "storm chaser". He is pursuing a storm. And its not that hard for a person to attain that chaser "status". Almost every state has at least (1) severe storm per year that is chaseable. There is also nowhere on this board that declares you can't be a member if you are a new chaser, (i.e. newbie). I believe even newbie chasers have information that we can learn from. Everyone has different perspectives, so I am open to hearing from anyone, whether it be a veteran chaser or a newbie. But, all in all, this site should stay catered to storm chasers and not just "weather enthusiasts", since that was the basis for ST originally, and it appears it still remains that way, so we need to let it be.
4) Also, a lot of you are angered by the 60% post ratio in Bar & Grill. Yes, I agree we need a place to talk about topics that don't coincide with storm chasing and weather, but we don't need page after page of debating, politics, and religion. Most people who are 60% and up were the people that would persist in the copius topics debating politics and religion. And if you read the first page of the post, and then go to the last page, you could pretty much assume what would be going on in the end without even reading it. You know what I mean? It's the same senseless babble over and over again. Bar & Grill needs to be used as a off-topic discussion forum, not debate-land. There are the people that are worried on what they will post about in the chasing off-season. There is a lot to post about. (i.e. autumn cold fronts, ice storms, sleet storms, snowstorms, torrential rainfall associated with winter storms, warm fronts that produce winter thunderstorms, cold waves, blizzards, dense fog, etc). And all that stuff can be chased if you want. A storm chaser does not end with thunderstorms and tornadoes. Remember, Webster's definition of a storm is "An atmospheric disturbance manifested in strong winds accompanied by rain, snow, or other precipitation and often by thunder and lightning." So basically, you can chase a lot more, hence being lots of stuff to post about thats weather-related in the off-season.
Well, I believe I've summed it all up pretty well. Who thinks these arguments hold some truth?