Good day all,
I am definitely not complaining about 2011. For me, despite not being out as long or often as I would have liked, I still got in on lots of action.
I started a new job so heading out for anything was impossible (from FL), but my first real score was a single day chase in Texas on Easter Sunday 2011.
Above: Easter Sunday near Baird, TX (April 24).
My main chase trip, the 10+ day trip in the end of May, landed me in the thick of the activity, although witnessing the utter (and sad) tragedy in Joplin, MO (May 22).
Above: Joplin, MO (After May 22 EF-5) ... Not something chasers like to see.
Above: May 21 near Sulphur, OK.
Above: May 24 (EF-5) south of Calumet, OK.
Above: Tornado on I-40 on May 24.
Above: Nice big hail on May 23 (OK).
Again, mid-late june had some activity as well, but I was not able to get out for that.
Now it's time for hurricanes!