Stephen Levine
As we move into the doldrums of Mid-Winter, my spirit hungers for the juicy and electric atmosphere that tropical Summer weather patterns bring.
Often my mind returns to idyllic scenes, of simple yet life -filled times gone by that fulfilled my soul, and a promise of someday a return to this home base.
The scene that comes to mind is not one where I chase, but where weather comes to me. The unique combination of elements including flora, dewpoint, sky conditions, wind, etc all transmute from scientific data into poetic elequence as I await a sure -to- come deliverance.
The piece that I have written about meteorologically is quite simple. We lie NE of an activating warm front in the late morning. Sunny, relatively crisp, clear conditions are about to give way to a thrilling symphony of elemental power sure to arrive in my neighborhood.
My spirit soars as I anticipate the arrival of the storms and the several day cycle of sun and storm they are about to introduce.
Feel free to read this short poetic piece on my blog site
It's the latest post and is titled "Juice, Electricity, Passion and Summer's Joy"
Perhaps you could share some of your joyfilled storm anticipation stories on Storm Track after you read this piece.
Often my mind returns to idyllic scenes, of simple yet life -filled times gone by that fulfilled my soul, and a promise of someday a return to this home base.
The scene that comes to mind is not one where I chase, but where weather comes to me. The unique combination of elements including flora, dewpoint, sky conditions, wind, etc all transmute from scientific data into poetic elequence as I await a sure -to- come deliverance.
The piece that I have written about meteorologically is quite simple. We lie NE of an activating warm front in the late morning. Sunny, relatively crisp, clear conditions are about to give way to a thrilling symphony of elemental power sure to arrive in my neighborhood.
My spirit soars as I anticipate the arrival of the storms and the several day cycle of sun and storm they are about to introduce.
Feel free to read this short poetic piece on my blog site
It's the latest post and is titled "Juice, Electricity, Passion and Summer's Joy"
Perhaps you could share some of your joyfilled storm anticipation stories on Storm Track after you read this piece.