Ocean Surface Temperature Mps


Feb 11, 2012
Athens, TX
Ocean Surface Temperature Maps - Deviation From Normal

Does anyone know if such a map exists and where I can find it? I've looked through several sites I thought I could find such a map, with no luck. I know I've seen them in the past somewhere ..

A map of current ocean surface water temperature - variation from historical, seasonal averages. i.e a map that indicates if water temp is seasonally normal, cooler than normal, or warmer than normal.

Thanks in advance.
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Thanks, I ran across that page but it didn't register with me but the SST anomalies was what I was looking for. Being in Texas, after mid June, we're praying for rain and looking out to the east coast of the African continent hoping something blows in some rain before October gets here. Not even any areas of interest but I suppose the season is a bit early to be getting active.