I wrote about this issue on my blog a week or so ago. I'm always somewhat perplexed when chasers from the midwest and the plains get overly concerned about a low tornado count in March and even parts of early April. While I myself even get excited on March 1st with meteorological spring coming around, you have you ask yourself where are these tornadoes that typically occur during January thru early April. While tornado events do happen in chaseable areas at times, the majority of these tornadoes are found in the gulf coast and southeastern US. When we have a low tornado count on March 20th, you really can't tell me you're honestly missing those tornadoes you would have otherwise seen in southern Georgia.
2008 was not all that exciting early on and had it's count inflated by February 8th. There were a couple chase days, but the majority of days I chased in April 2008 were low instability shear fests that didn't pan out at all.
It's frustrating for sure, but when the plains and midwest are just now entering their prime season you can't really call it a bad chasing year. It's like your favorite major league baseball team dropping their first two games and writing the last 160 off. January thru March (even mid April usually) are like spring training. They really don't mean a lot unless you live in the south and want to attend the events that no one else really cares to bother with.
At least unlike 2009, the quiet severe weather pattern at least looks to provide some beautiful spring weather. Most of April 2009 was spent indoors with 40 degree temperatures and drizzle. At least the down time can be spent being productive outdoors and getting rid of cabin fever.
Sorry, I suppose this entire post belongs in the "slow season" thread.
We just got out of a very active period. No, those systems did not provide the tornado hopes we had but it is what it is. It's time for a little down period, but I have faith that things will pick back up again. Give it time and hope for a big late April and early May.
An average or above average January thru March in the gulf coast doesn't mean jack to the juicy May and June in the plains.