I don't believe...

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
Hi all
I wanna report you the most damned meteorology day in the last 5 years in Italy.
Yesterday we have this sounding: take a look guys and tell me what you would do with that.:D
Probably it's the best sounding that I've ever seen in North Italy. Too bad: it was an incredible bust; no convection occurred. All this shear was thrown away.
A cold front was approaching north Italy with the warm front and all the models did forecast thunderstorms; by the way, this was the same low pressure system that produced the tornado in Belgium. Instead no thunderstorms and no shower occurred.

Italian and overall north italian climate is very difficult to understand: we have Alps mountain at the north and west, and Appennini mountains at the south that protects us from fronts. Yesterday because of mountains,that did permit to the clouds to stay downwind, like stau effect, there was no solar radiation that didn't permit a right destabilization of the very moist air mass, and the cold air ath mid-high level forcasted by the models was in late, and it was minor than in reality. I still can't believe...

This was the last occasion of the year: now winter is coming.


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Ciao Andrea!

I understand your disappointment, yesterday I was about to go down from Geneva to northern Italy, ready for a 1000km chase. I even took a day off... for nothing!
That's life :rolleyes:
Anyway, it would be nice if we could meet up somewhere in the Po valley for a storm chase :)

ciao a presto!
Ciao Andrea!

I understand your disappointment, yesterday I was about to go down from Geneva to northern Italy, ready for a 1000km chase. I even took a day off... for nothing!
That's life
Anyway, it would be nice if we could meet up somewhere in the Po valley for a storm chase

ciao a presto!

Ciao Dean!
Really you came here to chase?! that's great, man!;) Too bad for the bust:mad: We would be very near to an incredible chasing day North east of Milan if convection have occurred....

I saw your site and I saw that you too went in tornado alley and chase. Great.
Obvious that we could meet up in Po' Valley during an interesting chasing day(as to me we'll meet up before in the Plains:D ).


Hey Andrea

Hi Angel!
I'm well, thanks! I've been waiting for some more major event but we had a bad season (both in America and Italy), so I was less active than usual:) I wrote a book with some friend of Meteonetwork about thunderstorms and tornado in the last year and now it's in the italian libraries.
Did you see that sounding? That was an high impact on my mind:D
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Too bad about the bust, Andrea!

The new book sounds interesting! Did you cover European tornadoes only?

I've been trying to find more info on the Scottish Tay Bridge disaster from December 28, 1879. It was caused by a waterspout. If you come across anything let me know - yes I know you live in Italy :)

Too bad about the bust, Andrea!

The new book sounds interesting! Did you cover European tornadoes only?

I've been trying to find more info on the Scottish Tay Bridge disaster from December 28, 1879. It was caused by a waterspout. If you come across anything let me know - yes I know you live in Italy :)


Yes Pat it's so fine:) We covered only italian tornadoes.

If I'll know something about that disaster I'll let you know!
I purchased the book "Temporali e Tornado" and... excellent!
I have the chance of being fluent in Italian...
BTW, do you plan to make an English version or even a French version?

Thanks a lot Dean!
About the language, so far it's only in italian, but we were planning to make an english version, even if a real decision is still not taken.