Steve Miller TX
Originally posted by David Douglas
I watched Harold Taft too! He was my childhood hero
Did you know that he played trumpet in the civic orchestra in Fort Worth? He used to practice at the KXAS studios in his off time. I actually have one of his hand drawn weather maps (4'x4') that he used on air. It's framed on my wall in my office!
Did you also know that Harold Taft was a young, budding meteorologist that participated in making forecasts for the WW2 D-Day invasion? He really pioneered TV meteorology in many ways..especially the serious, no-nonsense professional manner. The day that he died was a pretty sad one for the North Texas area.
I used to have 3 of his hand-drawn maps when I met him in person at the Channel 5 studios back when I was age 12 (about 1977). Those got lost (or stolen) among some other momentos during a move quite awile back. I'd give anything to have them back. The one thing I remember when touring the studios was his small office that had every wall plastered with all sorts of charts....and LOTS of hand analysis! His immense persona on the airwaves is still greatly missed around here. I miss it too. I sometimes wonder if he ever realized just how much of a deep impact he had on a 12 year old boy from Duncanville, TX. ;-) I also wonder if I would be the extreme weather weenie I am nowadays without his influence in my early years.