I developed an interest in severe weather at a very early age. By the time I was in 3rd grade, I was a pretty sophisticated little weather weenie. Hehe. This interest also greatly helped me in my studies as well. Prior to developing this interest, I viewed reading more as a chore rather than something fun. So I lagged behind much of my class. But once I took a keen interest in severe weather, books became a requirement, as there was no internet in those days. Therefore through reading every book I could find related to severe weather, I was reading at a much higher level in short order than most of my class...simply because most of the books dedicated to severe weather were written for a much older audience than 3rd graders. So I suppose my interest in severe weather helped me in more ways than just giving me an extra hobby.
Now as far as chasing, I had never even heard of chasers or knew that anything such as chasing existed until the NOVA program mentioned by Charles. But that definately caught my eye and made me go "hmmmmmmm".
Later, sometime in the early 90's, I saw and recorded a program on A&E called "The Stormchasers", hosted by Bill Curtis. This really opened my eyes, as not only did it show chasers chasing purely for scientific purposes, but also amateurs doing so as a hobby. I found the Gene Rhoden segment of that program particularly interesting.
So sometime around 1995, while still a high school senior, I took an interest in going out locally and observing storms. I can remember being out on the rather wild evening of May 18, 1995 watching a tornado warned embedded HP supercell. I also became a SKYWARN spotter that year. From that point forward, it has been my goal to go out and see whatever I can when the opportunity presents itself. Due to my location and situation, I am not in the same league as most of the folks here. I haven't been able to get out on the Plains yet. And the terrain here is not the best in the world. But boy, I sure enjoy getting to see a nice storm as much as anyone. And I'm always trying to learn something new, which is why I am a member here. Heck, I even enjoy cyberchasing if the action is outside my area and I have developed a love for nowcasting. If it's severe weather related, count me in! Hehe.