How did you get interested in Chasing?

I was more interested in photography. So started looking at what type photography not every body was doing compaired to wildlife, portrait, ect ect and ( at the time) it seemed to be lightning. First time out I shot like 20 rolls of slides.. and got nothing! :o Thought I better read up on this some, and thats where it started.
Sitting through the July 4th, 1969 "Ohio Fireworks Derecho" when I was eight got me started. We had been on Lake Erie in Cleveland that day when it hit and I had a front row seat (literally, in my grandparent's new Skylark) as that ungodly black wall of clouds rolled onshore. I'll never forget it.
Without giving my life story, and keeping this as short as possible.

I grew up in Oklahoma.
I saw the people who took care of me turn frantic when Tornadoes were afoot.
This early fear turned into an unrelenting curiosity as I grew older.
I started chasing the minute I got a drivers license.

And that's four simple sentences :D
Update to my previous "getting started" post, I can't believe it but after 40 years I found the park we were at when the July 4th, 1969 derecho rolled off Lake Erie in Cleveland. We were parked nose forward at the front of the lot, overlooking the lake when it hit. Imagine it!

The only thing missing are the old growth trees and the wood frame pavilion that used to overlook the lake.

Hope this link works correctly, it's a Google Maps street view.;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>