Nick Parker
I have always been interested in stroms. Being a youngster and going through a derecho didn't help the situation. 8) But, it really got serious about chasing during May 2003. That whole week I spent running around trying to get a good shot of a tornado around here. Then the evening of the 6th rolled around. Let's just say I didn't have to go anywhere to chase this time. That ole F-4 came to me. Ripped the roof off the house, leveled the barn, and "pancaked" my truck. The news networks all said it was headed north of us. (Nice try.) So this really pushed me to become involved in a public level to help this "surprise" from happening again. Joining SKYWARN gave me contacts to get ahold of and provide real-time information. So far, i've got some good photos of supercell's but nothing major. Im kindly in the same area as George Tincher, long rolling hills and such. It makes it a tad tricky to find a good, open spot. But, im ready for this Spring, especially May...So bring em' ON!