Getting rid of hurricanes

Andrew Pastore

I live in SC, and I am in the emergency services, so I have been quite busy the last couple of months, and have not been to the site for awhile. However, I am back and want some opinions from people, especially the meteorologists. I have been hearing alot about finding ways to prevent or destroy hurricanes. First, I do not believe that is is possible, however, I do have a question. If humans did find a way to do this, What would be the environmental, and climate concequence?
You were right when you said "First, I do not believe that is possible."

So that about sums this thread up :wink:
If I went back in time and stepped on a butterfly 10 million years ago, could this have prevented Hurricane Andrew? Wait...if that works, could I also go back the same 10 million years with 1000 butterflies and release them, thereby causing a record breaking tornado outbreak in the southern plains in 2000?

I gotta get to work....hmmm, temporal physics........
I actually believe that in the future, it is possible, but that doesn't mean I believe it is right.

Look at how far we have come in the past 100 years.

Another way to look at it:
Man didn't think the earth was round - It was
Man didn't think we could fly - We did
Man didn't think we could reach the moon - We did
Man didn't think we could clone living things - We did
Man didn't think we could stop hurricanes - We ?

Certainly has a possibility in the future...
Originally posted by rdewey
I actually believe that in the future, it is possible, but that doesn't mean I believe it is right.

Look at how far we have come in the past 100 years.

Another way to look at it:
Man didn't think the earth was round - It was
Man didn't think we could fly - We did
Man didn't think we could reach the moon - We did
Man didn't think we could clone living things - We did
Man didn't think we could stop hurricanes - We ?

Certainly has a possibility in the future...

But those last 2 we dont know what effect it will have.

Stopping a hurricane stops the natural processes that have been at work for millions of years. Nature has storms to balance herself out. if we stop that wouldnt we throw nature off in some way such as atmospheric cooling and precipitation levels?

As for cloning. nobody knows the consequences yet. some super disease may be created. Who knows but changing nature is totally different from explorations as your other examples are.
Originally posted by Jay McCoy+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jay McCoy)</div>
Originally posted by rdewey@
I actually believe that in the future, it is possible, but that doesn't mean I believe it is right.

Look at how far we have come in the past 100 years.

Another way to look at it:
Man didn't think the earth was round - It was
Man didn't think we could fly - We did
Man didn't think we could reach the moon - We did
Man didn't think we could clone living things - We did
Man didn't think we could stop hurricanes - We ?

Certainly has a possibility in the future...

But those last 2 we dont know what effect it will have.

Stopping a hurricane stops the natural processes that have been at work for millions of years. Nature has storms to balance herself out. if we stop that wouldnt we throw nature off in some way such as atmospheric cooling and precipitation levels?

As for cloning. nobody knows the consequences yet. some super disease may be created. Who knows but changing nature is totally different from explorations as your other examples are.[/b]

Thats what I am saying, I believe it will be possible, but shouldn't be done - That's what I said in my first sentence.

<!--QuoteBegin-Chris Sokol

Man didn't think we could reach the moon - We did

C'mon now...EVERYBODY knows that we didn't actually go to the moon. The video was shot at a secret base in the desert!
