Finally!!! The Storm Drought is over!!!

Feb 27, 2005
Madison, WI
Southern WI finally got a few rounds of severe weather on July 23rd thru the 25th. A nice bow echo/derecho developed in western MN on the morning of the 23rd and traveled all the way across both MN and WI. It did the most damage over Central WI. A nice shelf cloud came through Madison.

On the 25th, three small supercell storms developed over Southern WI around 2 pm. All three produced wall clouds and some funnels. No tornadoes officially, but it was nice to finally see some action! We needed the rain bad.

Hopefully this is the start of a busy late summer/early fall season. I want a few more nadoes before winter!
Anyone else get out? :D
Congratulations man!

I was excited to see it sprinkle for five minutes this morning. We got .02"!! No more watering for me!

I think the series of shortwaves and frontal boundaries are just a teaser. I know another ridge is supposed to build back over the west and eventually eastward into the plains by next the heat will likely continue (ridging=little to no storm action). I was thinking about going to northern Iowa yesterday to catch the action there...but I had obligations here at home so I couldn't go.

I hope the late season holds some good chase weather for us here on the plains...I'm starting to get a bad case of SDS. :evil: