Does your WFO do their HWOs like this?

So if a storm comes through unwarned, and some hams in the area report severe criteria obs, you would keep the net inactive until the NWS calls you to say it is severe? I don't quite get that...
There is not much of a point in bringing up the local skywarn net, if there is no ham at the WFO who can answer the reports. If the repeater isn't in watch or warning mode, nobody would report it in anyways. I can report stuff in as it occurs, but that is limited to a few people in each Skywarn section. How many times have you seen this happen? In the last 5 years, I seem to recall this only happening twice where a warning was issued outside of a watch box, and it was small in size. (maybe a county in size, if that).
Our local WFO (PAH) always includes spotter information statements in their HWOs. They also issue SPIN emails which is spotter information emails to tell us about significant events threatening the PAH region. Got one today over the mess coming in Wednesday... Luckily though, I work first shift tomorrow so I will be available to spot/chase tormorrow night ;)