David Drummond
I figured I wasn't the only one who did this! My wife thought I was crazy. Probably thought I was losing my mind or something.
Some of you guys w/ that old news footage should host it on www.filefront.com for people to download and watch. That would be awesome!
Yeah, except it would probably be a violation of the news stations copyrights to do that.
From personal experience, I think at the very worst they would send legal documentation notifying you to remove all copyrighted materials. If you failed to comply, then they MIGHT file a lawsuit. But with the footage being old, non-profit, etc.. I think the chances of them persuing it are slim to none.
I'm not a legal advisor, and I DID NOT stay at a Holiday Inn Express!
You're right, they most likely would not do anything, but because the chances of them pursuing it are slim to none makes it ok to us their stuff without their permission then? To put in in another light, since the chances of you pursuing someone using your storm video/images is slim to none, is it ok for anyone to use that?
No picking on ya dude, just that we all get up in arms when someone swipes a chasers video/photography, but we (by we I mean chasers on average) sometimes don't seem to apply those same standards when it comes to other copyrighted materials.
Chances are they might let you use it or archive it somewhere if you asked nicely too. Many stations SELL their archived tapes, sometimes for a pretty healthy sum too. I know our station it is $50 per copy for VHS for news stuff.