Denver Convention--THANKS!

I was hoping to post this much sooner, but I just found out that my ability to sign on as a new member is working now - Thank you Tim and Roger for putting together such a great convention. This was our first and we were very impressed. We enjoyed getting to meet some of the people who knew Jeff and have also made some wonderful new friends. Jeff had attended every year since they started (2002?) and we can see now why he would look forward to it every year. Unfortunately his visit to the convention last year was very brief due to Holiday Inn losing his confirmation number, but that's a long story I won't go into now. In any case, we are happy that you chose Radisson this year. We were very happy with the amenities and service, despite the brief power outage. I agree though that they should consider putting some kind of emergency lighting in the stairwells, and install emergency power for the elevators. That must have been horrible being stuck in the elevators without knowing when they would start up again - my sympathies to all who experienced it. Thanks for opening "video night" with Jeff's preview of his latest movie. We were happy to see that everyone seemed to enjoy his quirky sense of humor as one thing you may not have known about him is that he loved to make people laugh. It is still hard for us to believe that he is gone - in fact I almost e-mailed him about the record low temperature in Denver (was it -13 or -15?) as he found that kind of info extremely interesting and I was in the habit of letting him know about local weather events from our travels and/or home town that he may not have heard about yet. Probably many of you knew him more from his e-mails and posts to storm track than talking to him in person as he was usually pretty quiet in social situations but came alive with tons of things to write about at his computer keyboard, with his favorite subject of course being weather. Some of you may not know that his website is still online and has been updated to include the June 2005 storm chase season, thanks to the much appreciated help from David Drummond of Dryline Hosting, so check it out when you get a chance: