Denver Convention--THANKS!

Tim, nobody was blaming you for the power outage. :) I don't think even you, if you turned on ALL of your gadgets, could pull down the whole Denver power grid. ;)

I just rolled in after an 800 mile drive from Pueblo (was real tired Sunday evening). Why is my desk moving???

The conference itself was great. THANKS,
Caryn, and everyone else involved.

Well done!


Originally posted by Dan Robinson
I'll have to second Amos. A top-notch weekend with great speakers, great friends and an overall great time.

I echo Dan's comments. Thanks to Tim, Roger, and any others who did all the hard working putting this together :D
Adding my thanks to Roger, Tim and crew for another incredible weekend. Every year they top themselves from the year before, and this was no exception. From talks from the top notch speakers to the wonderful hospitality of the Raddison staff, it was great. It was good to see old friends, and good to make new ones.
In regards to the power outage...never underestimate the power of stormchasers. And in regards to Sunday breakfast...never underestimate the power of a little sound (those who were in the restaurant about 7:30 know what I mean :lol: :wink:).
So, guys, how you gonna top it next year? :wink:
A big THANKS to Tim, Roger and all involved to pull off a great convention. This was my first and I had a great time meeting new friends and listening to the speakers. Also thanks to whoever provided the tasty snacks Friday evening. I know I will be attending the next years event.
Full account, reaction, notes, some rather humorous stories, and pictures posted on my blog:

Thanks Roger, Tim, David and everyone else that made the convention happen this year. It takes more work than any of us could even imagine to get this done. We appreciate it.
It was a nice first Denver convention for me, although I'm not sure I can justify this expense every year. Maybe every 2-3 years. But it was great finally getting to meet some chasers face-to-face rather than online, including some of the chapter producers for the Storms of 2005 DVD (Dave Lewison and Amos Magliocco). Thanks to those who supported the fundraiser by buying our DVDs (17 were sold).

I had no real complaints about the hotel (although a little scary there isn't an UPS), and the speakers were wonderful (I especially enjoyed Marko's talk). Roger and Tim put on a wonderful show, and kudos to all their (and their assistants) hard work.

If I had several minor suggestions, they would be:

1. Allow a Q&A session after each talk.

2. Introduce a panel discussion or town hall style talkback with the audience.

3. Bring a printer for name tags for those registering on site (and avoid blank name tags being stolen). Also, add registrants affiliation and location to the name tag, and accept credit cards.

And I hate to say this - I wonder how many chasers in the audience were squirming listening to Chuck's banquet talk about chaser safety. It's too bad that Chuck has had to give some version of that talk to chasers for at least a decade (the first chaser convention in Norman in 1995 featured him on the same topic). Hopefully the message is driven home! I share the same fears that some folks in our hobby may ruin it for us responsible chasers. BTW - Chuck recommended discussion on this topic in the forums - I have yet to see it here. Mods, feel free to split this to a new thread if I've hijacked it.

I have finally placed my images online from the recent 2006 National Storm Chaser Convention. Thanks again to the organizers for an awesome conference.

I have also finally placed my 2005 chase reports online. No tornadoes as I chose the last two weeks of May but a couple of supercells, wall cloud, Twister 10th anniversary picnic and some nice landscapes especially of the Kansas Chalk Pyramids (Monument Rocks)

Bill Hark
Thanks to Roger and Tim and all of the speakers. The convention was amazing and I had a lot of fun. I hope to see some of you this spring! Thanks again to Roger and Tim for putting together an incredible event! :D
...and yet another convention has passed. Much thanks to Tim Samaras and Roger Hill for continuing to organize this fine event. The speakers were awesome, as usual. I greatly enjoyed Dr. Charles Doswell's presentation on chaser safety and enjoyed getting to meet him in person. I also enjoyed seeing people who I've met at past conventions and known from various chatrooms and forums, such as Angie Norris, Sarah Johnson, Tim Marshall, Tim Vasquez, Greg Forbes, Greg Stumpf, Rocky R., Roger Hill and Tim S., of course, Amos, Doug K., and Tony Laubach. I also met Jeff Wear's parents and we talked about Jeff and how I became interested in storm chasing. It was quite an experience, to say the least.

The convention setup was the best yet. Despite the blackout on Saturday morning, the hotel staff was great. A few of the employees were even asking me about the convention. There was even a hotel guest who was there for the weekend asking me about it ( I think I pursuaded him to attend next year's convention :wink: ).

It was a great weekend that went by all too quickly. And, if anyone refers to the 'big chill' in Denver, I can say 'Yep, I was there!' :lol:
And I hate to say this - I wonder how many chasers in the audience were squirming listening to Chuck's banquet talk about chaser safety.

Hmmm, probably zero.

BTW - Chuck recommended discussion on this topic in the forums - I have yet to see it here.

It has been beaten to death on here for the last several years. Check the archives.

But hey, maybe there is something left to be said on this.
BTW - Chuck recommended discussion on this topic in the forums - I have yet to see it here.
It has been beaten to death on here for the last several years. Check the archives.
But in light of Chuck's specific points of discussion in his talk, I had yet to see it here. But of course, the thread did start up a few days ago:

[mods: feel free to move both of these replies into the above thread]
Unless, of course, you are insinuating that the guilty parties were going to disregard Chuck's (and other veteran chasers') concerns, and take the attitude of the particular outlandish example he showed. If not, please elaborate.

That'd be exactly why I said, "probably zero."
Well, over a week late, but this is the first opportunity I've had to say thanks to Tin & Roger for putting together the conference. I was a first-timer, and I enjoyed it a lot. Big thanks especially to Jon Davies, who I leaned a tremendous amount from with his two presentations.

With 3 DVD's, a book, and about 16 pages of notes, I took a lot of great stuff home with me. Thanks again to everyone involved.