Chase Vacations...when is yours?

Feb 10, 2005
Denton, TX
Hey everyone,

I don't think there is already a topic for this, if so, im sorry mods. Anyways, I was just curious to see when everyone has their chase vacations planned out? I've got mine set for May 16-30 ( a lil graduation gift to myself :wink: ). Hopefully things will get going by then! Hope to see you guys out there! If you guys see my "nerd mobile" on the side of the road (all the way off the road i may add :lol: ) feel free to stop by! I'm always up for meeting new chasers and talking with anyone! Take care and happy chasing!
May 10 - June 1 official vacation...

Between June 1 and August (whenever school starts again), I have Sunday-Wednesday of every week off, so mini-vacations for a couple months! :D
I'm on mine right now, and have been for the past week. It will last another two weeks, as I leave for home around the 17th or so...
My vacation is the whole month of May. May started out with a bang (well, really a dud) here in Amarillo. 5 inches of snow on May 2nd...sheesshhh :cry:
We leave on friday the 13th of may :shock: I have the weeks of May 16, 23, and 30th off, so roughly 2 weeks of chasing available. I'm praying for a May 22, 24, 29 in there somewhere :lol: