Chase party a big success

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
Hey, I wanted to thank everyone who showed up at my annual SDS relief hangout here in Piedmont today...We had around 20 show and it was especially great to see Neal Rasmussen and his ladyfriend Sarah show up plus Shane Adams, JR Henley, Scott Currens, Karen and Gene Rhoden, Charles and Laurie Edwards (cloud 9 tours) and Dave Crowley just to name a few...I especially wanted to thank my incredible wife Dee who helped with the cooking...had everything from Chicken, fish, burgers and it was all most excellent...I can't say enough how much of an honour it is to host these get togethers.

Who knows if I'll have one this spring as the one in Wakita is apparently a go...I still may have one anyway.

I'm psyched about Denver this next weekend, it will be the best and hope to see you there...perhaps we can get a good snowball fight in while we're there!!!

Peace Rocky&family :lol:
Man, I had so much fun today!!! I didn't want to leave, lol.

Thanks Rocky, Dee, Amber, and Leif for having us all over yet again and creating a wonderful spread, including salmon. Was just a fantastic day, seeing friends don't get to see very often. Conversations were excellent.

The videos were of course awesome, but I enjoyed hanging out with everyone most of all.
Thanks again, Rocky, for a great time. You and Dee did a great job keeping everyone fed and entertained. Thanks to all that brought their videos as well, great stuff!!!