Rocky's ST Picnic dates announcement

Storm Chase Picnic update!!

I need some advice about this upcoming Saturday May 10th as it's looking more like this day will be a down day for chase weather and the possibility of the picnic becoming a reality... or will it?

Some circumstances have arisen that may preclude a number of chasers from coming due to family commitments, scheduled holiday vacations for chasing... and OU graduations, which personally I would love to attend.

So, how do you feel about having the first available picnic day being on May 17th? At least there will be a better chance of seeing a few more folks here and there is a chance that based on the last few runs of the GFS.. it too could be a down period for chase activities. Probably the biggest reason for postponing this to the following Saturday is the OU graduations, I would really like to see some fresh faces show up from school. I need your input on this.

If I still get a strong response to move forward with the picnic (at least 10 replies or more), then it will be a go. Feel free to PM me if you like OR call.
cell# 405-226-2996.

I'll announce by Thursday evening if the picnic is on or not and the final call based on the first outlook for Saturday May 10th from SPC.

Meanwhile, stay safe and enjoy your chases in the land of friendly faces and open spaces!!!:D
The 17th is great for us. But we will be there when ever you have it.
Just a small amount of food for thought. Sunday, the 11th is Mother's Day. Possibly anyone traveling much distance may not make it Saturday, the 10th, so they could be with Mom on Sunday.
Sounds like it would be fun, but any day would be dependant upon weather conditions for me to be in the area a day or so before or after.
17th might be better: anyone want to share ride from KC?

Never been to Rocky's . Would like to. I already have plans for the 10th.

Is anyone going down from around Kansas City other then the 10th if it is moved to 17th?

I would be interested in the party, and sharing expenses and more going down and back to to the KC area.

How far is it from Kansas City? I need to look on Mapquest or Yahoo Maps (which I know prefer).
17th is in our chase vaca window. If down that way, then we will plan to come.

I've always enjoyed Rocky's chase picnics. It will be difficult to find a date good for everyone and also in a period of down days. That being said, my chase vacation doesn't start until a week from this Friday thus I will miss the party this weekend if it held. For those who haven't been, here are some pics from previous years:

I highly recommend dropping by if you are in the area.

Bill Hark

Between the private messages and what I've read on here so far... The picnic date has officially been changed to Saturday May 17th, 1pm. There were just too many folks that were just not able to make it due to other commitments including OU graduation and several folks who I would love to see here who's vacations don't start until the following week. The new date is contingent to severe weather chances in the southern plains. A 2% chance of tornadoes or more AND an accompanying slight risk or higher, bordering on I-70 in Kansas to the Colorado line or to Missouri on south to the I-20 corridor in Texas and west to the New Mexico border and north to I-70.

Other available dates if severe weather is possible is Saturday May 24th or the following Saturday May 31rst.. I've decided to include that date after all as it's unlikely I'll be out of town that weekend. The final possible date is the first Saturday in June but I'm concerned many folks will have left for home by then so I'm not sure if that would work as of now. We'll see.

So, thanks for the replys and the suggestions. Dee and I are looking forward in hosting the picnic so stay tuned for more details.

Between the private messages and what I've read on here so far... The picnic date has officially been changed to Saturday May 17th, 1pm. There were just too many folks that were just not able to make it due to other commitments including OU graduation and several folks who I would love to see here who's vacations don't start until the following week. The new date is contingent to severe weather chances in the southern plains. A 2% chance of tornadoes or more AND an accompanying slight risk or higher, bordering on I-70 in Kansas to the Colorado line or to Missouri on south to the I-20 corridor in Texas and west to the New Mexico border and north to I-70.

Other available dates if severe weather is possible is Saturday May 24th or the following Saturday May 31rst.. I've decided to include that date after all as it's unlikely I'll be out of town that weekend. The final possible date is the first Saturday in June but I'm concerned many folks will have left for home by then so I'm not sure if that would work as of now. We'll see.

So, thanks for the replys and the suggestions. Dee and I are looking forward in hosting the picnic so stay tuned for more details.


I'd LOVE to see the 24th as the date. It was part of our "plan" in taking off work (sigh). If not, maybe next year!

Thank You, regardless, for doing this!
Storm Chase Picnic likely this Saturday May 17th 1pm

Unless there is a BIG reversal in the model data for weeks end. I'm quite certain that the picnic will go on this Saturday May 17th 1pm here at my farm near Piedmont, OK. I'll post more info on Thursday as to directions.

Based on the emails so far, I'm expecting roughly 30-40 to show up. I'm encouraging tour groups to drop by and say hi, meet a few fellow chasers and watch some video's of highlights from this year and years past.

If you haven't emailed me yet to RSVP, let me know... tour groups especially. Dee and I will be shopping Fri. evening/Sat AM to get food so I'll need to know how many to expect. as of now, the traditional hamburgers/hot dogs and chicken will be served along with plenty of snacks and appetizers. I hope I can throw on a slab of salmon too. Infact, I may have a suprise or two food wise up the sleeve so come extra starved!!!

I am asking that if you can donate a few bucks per person, that would be awesome. So... more info to come on Thursday...

Rocky in the clouds
Alright!! Looks like we are on for this weekend. Looking forward to a fun day of food and vid.

We need to have somebody stream the party on Severe Studios. :)
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You can't ask for a better day than this for a picnic. Nary a storm in sight virtually border to border with the exception of Florida... where a severe event MAY occur. Even Roger Hill and the SLT crew won't mess with that!!:D

The party starts at 1pm and ends, well... last year we still had folks here the next day:p We will be supplying most of the food and drink (non alcoholic). We'll have Chicken, hamburgers, hotdogs, AND .. Ribs! I may have a few other delectables including lots of appetizers.. so come famished! A minimum of 5 dollars per person would be appreciated to cover food costs. Bring an edited DVD or VHS video. In case you weren't here last year, we have a big screen HD TV now, so those 'naders will look more life like.

Please RSVP if you haven't done so yet. Dee has already bought a bunch of stuff on faith you'll show up. Tour groups are especially welcome. AND this is all family inclusive.

I will hopefully post directions on here tomorrow evening or first thing Saturday morning. You can also plug in my address to your favourite mapping software programme. The address is: 5504 Hall Rd. NW Piedmont, Okla. 73078.

Phone numbers: Home: 405.373.5097
Cell: 405.226.2996

Call for directions if you need to or to RSVP.
Look forward in seeing you this Saturday!!!
