Rocky's ST Picnic dates announcement

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
The temperatures and dewpoints are rising, the grass is greening up.. the storm clouds are billowing... ahh! spring time! Some folks have had some successful chases already, and the promise of many more to come. What better way to top off the season than with the annual stormtrack picnic at my farm.

This years projected dates are as follows:

May 10th, May 17th, May 24th or June 7th. All these dates fall on a Saturday and is contingent on if a slight risk for severe weather AND a 2% or more chance for tornadoes falls within the parameters from anywhere north of I-20 in Texas west of DFW, east of the New Mexico/Colorado borders and along and south of I-70 in Kansas and west of the Kansas/Arkansas border. A potential date of May 31rst is not included at this time because of the possibility of me being out of town, that may change so don't write off that date yet if we haven't had the picnic by then.

This year, my wife and I will supply all the food and drink. In return, a minimum of 5.00 per person donation would be appreciated. We'll have the usual burgers and chicken, but I may catch a few salmon for the grill as well. In addition, I might have a few other culinary goodies so come starved. Now, If the picnic should land on the 24th; Memorial Day weekend, Dee and the kids will possibly be out of town, I'll need someone to help in the cooking prep. If your interested in helping out, let me know.

The picnic will start at 1pm and in past years, we've actually had folks stay the whole night watching video's and stuffing ourselves with ridiculous amounts of food. I can put up a few overnight guests if you don't mind spending the night on a cot or a couch.

Bring an edited video 20 minutes or less. I do have both a VHS and a dvd player. I have an HD TV now, so bring those kinds of video's as well. The pool may not be open this year in time for the picnic unless we have it on May 24th or later.

It is important you let me know if you'll make a whole hearted attempt to show up so I'll know how much food and drink to buy. If Dee and the kids or other underaged kids are present, no alcohol will be permitted. This will be a family affair so please bring the whole family if you wish.

Tour groups are especially welcome but let me know as a projected date approaches as that can make a big difference in how much stuff to buy.

I'll be posting directions when the first possible date arrives. It's not hard to find though, plug in 5504 Hall Road NW Piedmont, OK. 73078 into your Google or Mapquest and you should have no problem finding the place.
If you haven't been here before, I have a 22 acre spread that overlooks hundreds of acres of wide open farm land. Lately, it's been a storm lovers paradise around these parts. Just last March 2nd, we had to replace a large part of our barn roof that was lofted across the property from what I suspect was either a gustnado or a microburst, and more recently a couple of hailstorms and meso's have gone over the farm as well. Let's hope that will be the extent of what happens around the immediate vicinity of my farm.

Its been an honour and a pleasure to give back to the ST community that has given to me over the many years the sharing of knowledge, the data, everyone who puts out so much effort in keeping this forum up, and most of all your valued friendship... it means more than you know. And just to put to rest all the talk about us eventually moving back north.. it won't happen for at least another year or two and may very well not be until my son Leif graduates school which is still 4 years off.. so as far as I'm concerned, this is home for the forseeable future.

So, l'll keep you abreast of any developments on our get together as the dates approach. I do see an active period coming as we get into the first week of May, so perhaps we'll have some fresh tales to tell.

Stay safe and keep a good attitude.
As always

Although I've never attended one of your picnic, I'd like to thank you for your hospitality. It's awfully nice of you to invite people to your home like this each year.

A friend and I will be out that way in Late May and may swing by if you don't mind.. I'd love to meet some more people with similar interests...
Well I've never missed one, so of course I'll be there. If it works out that the party falls on May 24 and you end up needing help for food prep, let me know and I'll be there early.
I am going to finally put myself out and say I'll make every reasonable effort to be there for that. I have missed them every year for one reason or another. Because of finals on that Monday, my only day of concern would be May 10. Other than that, I will try my best.
I have never made it to one before, but I will try my very best to be there this year! Rocky, this is a wonderful thing that you do each spring. We really do appreciate it.
Rocky always throws a great party with good food and even better video. I will once again do all I can to make it. Last year was a blast even though I and the guys had to bail earky due to one of them having to catch a flight.

Like the convention it is one of the big highlights of each year and one of the best ways to meet new chasers and swap war stories with old buddies.
I am planning to make it this year, since I am now "in the neighborhood." I've got an extra room or two at the house in NW OKC. So, if anyone needs a place to crash for the weekend, send a PM to me.
Myself and Ray will be there it sound like a great time. If you need help in Prep let mr know. Im only an hour away. Thank you for doing this
Steph and I will be attending, also have a room available for a couple or a person we live about 15 mins away from the farm so let me know.
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We've been to several of the ST Picnics and always have a GREAT time. Enjoyed meeting chasers and made some new friends. I hope I can make it this year.I will know later if our plans work out for this years trip and keep you informed. Thanks!