Rocky's ST Picnic dates announcement

As always, Dee and Rocky put on a great show. Dee, thanks for working your butt off (once again) on all the food prep and keeping the kitchen running throughout the really do deserve some kind of reward for not only putting up with all of us, but for the thankless effort you put into everything, including all the clean-up when everyone goes home....your hard work is certainly understood and appreciated and we're all very thankful. Also, thanks for the potato salad and chips...the PS rocks!!! Rocky, thanks for being such a great and talented host, running around from group to group, making sure everyone's happy, fed, and overall having a fun time. You are the busiest man in chasing when you're floating around the picnic taking care of over 50 people at once. Thanks to Amber and Leif for always being friendly even though their Saturday is being invaded by numerous weather & chasing geeks...Leif, jumping on those horses bareback is waaay more brave than I could ever be.

Though I never went inside to watch videos, I had the best time hanging out in the backyard all day, watching our stray thundershower pop up, and listening to so many awesome, behind-the-scenes tales from Vince Miller....gut-busting laughter from all of that. Vince, next time you have to tell more!!! Was great seeing some old familiar faces, and meeting new ones. Tom, we youtubed some "Only Fools & Horses" last night and it was a riot...thanks for the recommendation LOL.
Amen to what Shane said..., Rocky and Dee, thank you for a wonderfull afternoon!! The food was awesome, and the company was great. Twas good seeing old friends and making more new ones!!
Merci, Dank U, Tacka dig! Thank you!!

It was truly an international feel to the picnic yesterday so it is only fitting that I thank everyone in their respected languages who showed. Folks from France, Sweden, the U.K, Australia, and OH CANADA!!! came by.

We had around 45 or so show up, 20 of which from Cloud 9 tours. A huge thanks to my wonderful wife Dee who is sleeping in today from all the exhaustive work she, my in laws Dana and Mark, Amber and Leif and Mark McGowen put into to make it all a success.

I've always had a desire to make a positive difference in everyones life that comes around me and this is just one way I can do that so thanks so much for making it all happen.

Now... it's back to our regularly scheduled programming, I think a live presentation of Tour De Plains complete with all the atmospheric mayhem is on for later this week.. stay tuned!

well done, Rock, well done! Special thanks to your support team as well. What are the odds that a bunch of weather weenies would gather in May in Oklahoma and the weather cooperates?
Great food, vids, company...oh and lovely pets that got lots of love that day.

A recommendation I would have is that once the gathering meets an apparent maximum...get everyone together and allow guests to introduce themselves individually. When I arrived I didn't know a soul. Fortunately, a came to know quite a few folks, but it wasn't until they left did I realize we had quite a few guests from Europe.
I would love to have known where people were from, what they did for gas money and maybe a brief summary of their most cherished moment as a spotter/chaser.

maybe by next year I will have found the video I was so anxious to bring this year
A recommendation I would have is that once the gathering meets an apparent maximum...get everyone together and allow guests to introduce themselves individually.

Maybe sticky name tags would help like at conventions. I know last year when I was at Rockys picnic I only knew a few by name even though I knew many more by face. Always nice to combine the two. As people show up they just slap one on.