18z update
Upon viewing the 18z data, I'm gonna hurry up and wait a little while longer. Cloud cover is burning off, dry line is developing, I can drift N or race S for adjustments. I would like to see surface winds backed a little and a more veered vertical wind profile, but I'm here now, so I'll sleep in the bed I made. I do think the juice will erode the cap and some nice storms will develop, but how soon before dark?
Edit: On second thought, it's already after 3pm CDT. If I'm gonna do much moving, it'll have to be soon. I think I'll drive the 1 hour 18 min drive down to Snyder, OK. Skies are a little more clear further south and I'll have more of a play on the existing dry line. CAPE has been progged to be much higher in TX by 0z as well. If skies continue to clear, I might head a little further south toward Electra, TX.
Edit: OK, I did this at about 4am, so sleep depravity and info overload led me to the conclusion that 18z is 3pm (just like a real chase scenario, after days in hotels with late nights and early mornings, LOL)- correction 1pm, but I'll stick to my original adjustment toward Electra, TX.