Can anyone identify this tornado or AFB in the foreground?

Dec 26, 2004
Booneville, KY

Just curious, as we've been discussing this in chat and can't come to a firm conclusion. The flightline of F-16's should be helpful, but I am still uncertain.

So far, the two most popular choices are Altus AFB, OK on 5/11/82. The other popular guess is McConnell AFB, KS on 4/26/91. But I can't recall any active duty premiere fighter wings being stationed at Altus and in 1982, the F-16 was brand new, meaning the premiere fighter wings would have been the first to receive it, with no reserve or guard units operating it. However, the F-16's may have been based elsewhere and just there at the time for training. Also, I was thinking the 184th Bomb Wing flying B-1B's were what was at McConnell in 1991, but again, the F-16's could have been there for some other purpose.

So, anyone have any idea where this might have been? McConnell AFB? Altus AFB? A different location?

For my own guess, I am gonna go with McConnell AFB, KS on 4/26/91. That funnel looks very similar to one that passed through the base area (that we have all seen on video countless times).
OK, that pretty much convinces me it is McConnell. I wasn't aware the 184th didn't assume operations in the B-1 until 1992. Now it all makes sense.
As others mentioned this is McConnell AFB (Andover F5) 4/26/91. According to a Google search, the photo was taken by Chris Fiebig.
I have seen that photo countless times in various places, so I recognized it imediatly. I love the aircraft in the foreground, price tag on that 'nado would have gone way if they had been hit!
Yep, that's definetly McConnell. It's been several years since I've seen that photo, but I also recognized it immediately as well, and yes that's a good thing it missed the planes, that would have been really ugly if that particular area of the base took a direct hit.
I remember seeing this one on t.v. before---it's McConnell and the Andover tornado. It was said that the tornado barely missed the line of jets. I wonder how much money would have been lost if those jets had been wiped out.
Originally posted by Chris Lott
I remember seeing this one on t.v. before---it's McConnell and the Andover tornado. It was said that the tornado barely missed the line of jets. I wonder how much money would have been lost if those jets had been wiped out.

Depending on the type of fighter:

* F-16A/B: 1998USD 14.6 million
* F-16C/D: 1998USD 18.8 million
* late models: 1998USD 26.9 million

Just imagine if a tornado ripped through Whiteman AFB, the home of most of our B-2 Spirits...they only cost 2 billion+ a piece :)

Originally posted by Pat Lawrence+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pat Lawrence)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Chris Lott
I remember seeing this one on t.v. before---it's McConnell and the Andover tornado. It was said that the tornado barely missed the line of jets. I wonder how much money would have been lost if those jets had been wiped out.

Depending on the type of fighter:

* F-16A/B: 1998USD 14.6 million
* F-16C/D: 1998USD 18.8 million
* late models: 1998USD 26.9 million

Just imagine if a tornado ripped through Whiteman AFB, the home of most of our B-2 Spirits...they only cost 2 billion+ a piece :)


In 1991 McConnell also had 15+ B-1Bs and 20+ KC-135 Tankers there.
B-1B = $283.1 million per plane
KC-135 = $39.6 million per plane

Good thing the tornado missed the wings.


Figures are in 1998 constant dollars BTW.
I figured that it was McConnel AFB. The flightline of F-16s confused me, though. I thought that the base had B-1Bs. The reports from the Andover tornado mentioned it 'barely missing a flightline of B-1Bs'. Apparently, McConnel did not attain the bombers until 1992. Anyway, glad that storm didn't make a direct hit on that base....that's quite a few F-16s there.
Originally posted by Kyle Flannigan
I figured that it was McConnel AFB. The flightline of F-16s confused me, though. I thought that the base had B-1Bs. The reports from the Andover tornado mentioned it 'barely missing a flightline of B-1Bs'. Apparently, McConnel did not attain the bombers until 1992. Anyway, glad that storm didn't make a direct hit on that base....that's quite a few F-16s there.

The F-16s where part of the Kansas Air National Guard....They where on the west side of the base, the B-1s and the tankers where/are on ther east side of the base. The only planes at McConnell now are the Tankers.