Alright, now that everyone knows what day this was I will go ahead and throw up the link to our video from that day. Dan Holiday shot this video while we caught the Girard, KS tornado (F4) and the Carl Junction, MO tornado (F3).
It was an amazing day. I was lucky to get off work at noon. I was supposed to work until 3:00pm that day. We had extra help, so they let me go. After I found out a HIGH RISK had been issued, I basically begged them to let me leave early. We left Wichita around 1pm. Did not see any real time weather data that day until the 18Z stuff. Dan was checking it out throughout the day and giving me updates.
We also chased this day with a backroads map of Kansas, a weather radio, and a radio station. No laptops or nowcasting. I still wish we could have left earlier and got ahead of the Girard, KS storm. I should have left work at 11. Ha!Ha!
I would enjoy seeing other video and pics of this major outbreak day. Different vantage points of these same tornadoes would be cool! Please post if you have some