Jamestown, North Dakota, Tornados Today?
Looks like several parameters are coming together with warm front, backed surface
winds, low level jet, mid level shortwave, lots of sun, and increasing moisture. Already
Bismarck VAD showing an ok shear profile which should only get better.
Looks like a classic setup for possible tornado near warm front, northeast of
surface low, and on edge of 700mb cap. Forecast storm movements are slow and only
10 to 15 knots, so very good mid level storm relative shear will be in place and surface
winds may increase and back even more in response to pressure falls. The ETA shows
a 40kt (850mb) low level jet. Question is how far south will warm cap break into S. Dakota or
south of Jamestown? So my early virtual chase pick is Jamestown for the my best area
to break the cap.
Too warm Temperature/Dewpoint spread?