6/10/04 NOW: Plains

Maybe the dry punch isn't that textbook, afterall, the storms are going up to the north of it. The apex of the punch is right over Dodge City right now.
Radar showing initiation near Dodge City

Check the radar and try to see thru the ground clutter around Dodge City, there's about three storm cells firing up mainly to the east and southeast of there!! 8) LJK.
There is something really weird with the radar indicated DL north of Dodge – notice how it shoots off at 45 degrees into the rear of the cell – very strange indeed.

BTW I would not give up on the nose of the bulge over dodge just yet…
Things are quite interesting over the Dodge City region. If you look closely at the loops, you can notice what looks to be small scale rotation within certain areas of the dryline...Probably where it locally bulges out and then recedes, giving the illusions of rotation.

Looking at the VIS, have to agree with Stuart that Dodge City region is not out of the woods by any means, at least thats how it looks now :eek:

That dryline punch over DDC currently reminds me so much of the one we were beneath on May 12 in Woodward, OK.....I'd like to be west of Salina right now, just south of I-70......just waiting for my storm to come to me.
I thought someone might mention that.....hadn't looked at any temp data and was just shooting in the dark on what I hoped would be a homerun call, LOL.
The ongoing severe weather event SW of Chicago reminds me of 4/20/04. The set-up is quite similar with the WF and temperature spread across it. However, there seems to be fewer supercells than that day, and I really have not heard about any tornado touchdowns. I will keep watching this though, and tomorrow as well :wink: .
Originally posted by David Draun
The ongoing severe weather event SW of Chicago reminds me of 4/20/04. The set-up is quite similar with the WF and temperature spread across it. However, there seems to be fewer supercells than that day, and I really have not heard about any tornado touchdowns. I will keep watching this though, and tomorrow as well :wink: .

I actually thought the same thing as well...

Just looked at a 2 hour radar loop for central IL, and it looks like storms are mainly linear now.

Some pretty nice small scale bow echoes are traversing the area, especially between BMI and CMI, with nice rear inflow notch. Bet some pretty significant wind damage is occuring.
