As you all can tel by the timing of this report, we were on the west-central OK cell. I went to work as usual, not really thinking I'd be chasing today. Got home an hour early, and decided to check data for my bud Eric Collins, who's in town till Sunday on his annual pilgrimage to the Plains to chase storms with me. When I called him, I was pleasantly surprised to find him still in his motel room. I told him I'd do a more extensive check and call him back. Within 30 minutes, we were rolling westbound towards the west-central OK storms (the only ones out there then).
Intercepted the tornado-warned cell in Hinton, OK, where a nice wallcloud with incredible rising motion and moderate rotation was in progress juat west of town. Within minutes, we were blasted by RFD from the WNW, as the storm began the first of a few cycles. The storm however, was never the same after the initial cycle, and we followed it east on OK37/152 back to Cogar/Minco?Union City, and finally Mustang.....where we sat and watched it die a slow, painful death, but not as painful as the live reports were started hearing from the Noble County storm, which is still in progress as I write this.
My OKC metro area curse continues, although I suppose that's a good thing to normal people. I'm wondering if anyone is on the Noble County storm, we saw everyone and their dog out there today. Overall ,my "behavior" report (pathetic we have these now as a standard portion of chase accounts) is good. The lone exception is the guy east of Union City, who stopped just off the road (with no shoulder) and proceeded to open his door - which stuck out a good 2-3 feet into our lane. If I hadn't shouted at Eric (who was watching the updraft out his window) we would've taken the guy's door off, and who knows what else. So whoever you are guy - you're welcome.
Just got a call from Angie Norris who's chasing with my girlfriend Jo.....they said they got a nice funnel. No details other than that, I'm sure she'll post those later in her own report. Anyway, pleasantly surprising and relaxing local chase, but no fruit. I'd love to be up north right now on those twin cells....Tulsa looking to have an imminent Tornado Emergency situation before long.
Who says 2% slight risk days are junk???