Chris Hayes
Also gotta realize CAPE has been, in many cases so far this season, consistently underforecasted by the models...even leading right up to the event. As such, it would not be out of the question to meet or exceed 3,000 J/Kg on Tuesday. All other parameters are looking quite impressive as well, especially the directional shear component of the winds and the significant LLJ.
You beat me to it. CAPE is hard for computer models to forecast, especially this year. I remember during one event earlier this year where CAPE was forecast to be like 2000, and it got well over 3000. I think this was on May 4th. Last forecast for CAPEI saw had CAPE of 2000-2500 over a good portion of western KS. If thats the forecast, I'd expect cape to be well over 3000 on tuesday. Time will tell, but I am liking tuesday