My forecast thoughts align quite well with the new SWODY1. With a westward shift in dryline forecast position in this evening's model runs, I'm back into chase mode. I'm not a huge fan of strongly meridional mid and upperlevel flow (southerly / southeasterly), so I''m not too hot on the area north of the OK/KS border. It does appear as though a secondary warm front will set up from near Hebron to Kansas City to Springfield by 0z, with southeasterly surface flow supporting some better low-level shear profiles. Between that warm front and the OK border, however, winds and wind shear will largely be unidirectional (at least through 500mb), courtesy of southerly 500mb flow. These setups with veering low-level , backing mid-level , and veering upper-level profiles tend to make forecasts quite tricky, with the possibility of anticylonic and cyclonic mesos in the absence of stronger low-level helicity.
Farther south into OK, the 500mb flow is progged to be more veered, yielding a better looking deep-layer shear vector orientation relative to the dryline (SW, compared to almost due S in eastern KS). This should help favor discrete activity. Im still concerned about surface dewpoints, since we've seen several times this year that the models have overforecast Tds by 3-7F. Since we're already on the high side of LCLs (with T-td of 20+F degrees possible), I do think we need all the CAPE we can get. Not to mention, in such a strongly sheared environemnt (deep-layer shear of 50+kts), storms can struggle when deprived of strong CAPE. This may have been a reason why storms took a little while to organize into supercells on 3/12. Regardless, my preliminary target is Bartlesville, OK. The cap may be an issue, but this area will be in the left-exit region of a strong upper-level jet streak, yielding upper-level divergence and vertical motion (if any is needed in light of intense DPVA ahead of the vort max). The 0z NAM and WRF (as noted above) initiate precip all along the dryline before 0z. Low-level shear isn't particularly strong south of the warm front, so any backing of the surface flow that we can muster would be quite helpful.
Prelim target: Bartlesville, OK (need to be downstream from the dryline a ways given forecast storm motions)