3/12/06 NOW: KS/MO

Yawn. Back in KC now. Was on both the two southern supercells as they were crossing into MO. North one was a beast(second from the bottom) but I couldn't see back in the hook that well as I barely beat it south. It wrapped and raced ne so I got the next one nw of Nevada. It was ok but was undercut right then. It FLEW ne and left me in the dust. Pondering chasing into the night.

It sounds as if that NRN cell is now dropping a sizable tornado. There was very strong rotation showing on the 0.5 SRV tilt, so that doesn't surprise me. At least maybe this one will stay out of less populated areas than Columbia and Sedalia.
Originally posted by Edward Ballou
KOMU just showed the webcam in fulton with 3 funnel clouds to the north.

where is the link to this footage?

Sorry for this being off topic, but I couldn't find it on the site.


1.25 inch hail now coming out of the cell SSW of Kansas City, looks to be that line is starting to fire seriously. Even looks to be a cuplet there.

Wish I was out there...

EDIT: Pat, just go to KOMU.com, then click on weather plus. Then click on Watch Weather Plus live in the sidebar.
Explosive development occurring from NW MO back into OK now. Also...closer to my home 2inch hail with a storm in SE IA now...vigorously rotating. Could set down a tornado...we shall see. Only a SVR for now.

I'm expecting the explosion of activity to continue around dusk just like it did last night and then progress near and east of the MS river with tornadoes and hail being the main threats.
I'd keep an eye on that cell near Shawnee, OK. After taking a look at the SPC mesoanalyses, it will be entering an extremely favorable area for thunderstorm activity.
Looks like Leavenworth, MO and KC are under the gun again. Should see a tornado warning go up any minute for the cell near the airport. Quite impressive g2g shear in the last scan. (I can't beleive this is KC's 4th or 5th round of tornadic sups in 24 hours!!! WOW)
As for the clouds / dust / smoke - I'm pretty sure what I was seeing on vis sat an hour ago were clouds. They were streaming across from New Mexico / Mexico area, and expanding. I think they were partly cirrus.

Convection is starting to break in OK finally, but it looks like it may be too late for anyone to catch a daylight tornado.
Trying to get on the storm sout of Bartlesville OK. May make abreak for it over towards Nowatta. Of Course there would be one firing over Bristow, OK where we were at bout 45 minutes ago! The storm sout of bartlesville looks a little raggady but gonna see if it will reorganize.
The entire KC area is back to square one for who knows how many times today ... a line of redeveloping storms that are maintaining isolation has now formed over the eastern half of the city and extends up to Platte City, where a large storm is tor-warned. This entire line is pretty frightning. No way I'm going back out. The lightning is really getting with it now - can just sit here in the apartment and watch ... hopefully we'll see these individual cells merge into a squall ...

Now I see yet another line moving in from the west as well - good grief.

The high-level cirrus shield observed over parts of Texas and Oklahoma are associated with the 500mb jet. Bring up a 500mb analysis or fcst panel on the RUC and these clouds are coincident with the 500mb jet streak over TX/OK. They were a few hours ago, anyway - when I last looked.

I figured after this feature began to interact with the dryline we'd see some action beginning to brew. It did, to some extent over eastern Kansas. Points further south, however, the capping inversion seemed to strong to allow for any of the upper-level energy to affect anything. It sure is now!

Great job, guys - keeping up with the action this afternoon/evening. I'm off the arm-chair for the evening - have to be to work at 8pm. I'll have to watch the rest of the night from there.
This is absolutely hilarious. I am listening to the Kansas City, MO police scanner online because of the SVR and TOR's in the area. Dispatch just sent 1 car to an intersection for juveniles throwing HAIL at passing vehicles and to see the complainant whose car got hit. LMAO. I'll never hear that again in my lifetime.