I cannot believe there is not a tornado warning for the cell just west of Columbus on the Georgia/Alabama border. Strong rotation showing up on tilt 1.
Storms in AL lining out now with some rotation in embedded storms along the line. Fox 6 is advising people to stay in there vehicles if they see a tornado coming and that they are ok parking under interstate bridges?!?

Seems to appear that things are becoming undercut by the cold front and becoming outflow dominant.
With the winds pretty veered on most of the VAD wind profiles, and forecast to be so by the models, a northeast and probably even east-northeast storm motion is simply not cutting it at this time in Alabama. At this point, storms probably need to be moving easterly, or even south of easterly, to get decent storm-relative helicity...the exception would be in Georgia, where JGX and FFC still show southerly flow just off the surface. There, storms moving ENE might still be able to tornado, assuming they are surface-based.
I agree Donald the storms riding the warm front still have the potential to spawn tornadoes. The storms riding the cold front cant keep their updrafts out of the FFD or to the south of the precip.
I cannot believe there is not a tornado warning for the cell just west of Columbus on the Georgia/Alabama border. Strong rotation showing up on tilt 1.

Storm is now TOR Warned. Houston County affected and soon to Be Twiggs County. Another cell in Hancock County going off and on with the TVS and is TOR Warned will soon affect Warren county.

Supercell in Quitman County, GA has an incredible hook. SRV values are through the roof. Probably a strong/violent tornado on the ground with this cell, which will be moving into Randolph County shortly. Lots of small towns in the path of this one, unfortunately. This is a very bad situation made even worse by the fact that it's dark now and the tornado is probably rain wrapped and will be difficult if not impossible to see.
Still picking up 87kts GTG at low levels, rotation extends up to 12000ft on a 19000ft tall storm! Putnam Co, this has a stronger algorithm output than the Enterprise storm...
The Putnam County storm will be moving into Greene County, right for the town of Greensboro. That couplet is quite spectacular. It's hard to speculate about whether or not a tornado is on the ground for sure, but I'd be placing bets on it.
The Enterprise tornado has hit me close to home. No one has seen or heard from my uncle Chip since it hit, but I can't leave JAX due to duty tomorrow. All that aside, what is keeping storm initiation from starting ehre, I'm completely stumpe, the cap is almost non existent, our models are not running right now, so were blind here, what is goin on?
No forcing of note on your side of the state, the squall line is just entering the panhandle now...

Looks like the main show for JAX will be well after midnight with the main squall line. Isolated supercell could form in advance but it is uneventful for much of the panhandle, as Rob said.

BTW: Don't be too worried about your uncle just yet. Phone lines are out everywhere down there and cell phone service is non-existent/knocked out for the most part too.
I just heard some other really bad news, according to Fox News a Georgia hospital was hit by a tornado and five people were killed. However, after looking on CNN's and MSNBC's websites the only thing I could find was this article on MSNBC. That article mentioned the twister reportedly killed three people but there was no mention of the twister hitting a hospital.

Just curious if anyone had any more info on this sad story if it's true :(.
From the looks of it there were several significant storms that moved through the central Georgia area on radar, and reports from the local CBS affiliate at www.13wmaz.com show that there is some pretty substantial damage in the region, though of course it's hard to see exactly what's going on since it's dark out. I have a feeling daylight tomorrow will reveal some pretty nasty sights.

**UPDATE: Actually, they just reported (I was watching their live feed, which has just now ended as they've exited their live coverage) that there have been two fatalities at the hospital you referenced, which apparently was indeed struck by a tornado.

**UPDATE 2: Apparently a guy living in Lizella, GA, just west of Macon, claims to have been personally lofted from his porch and tossed across the street by one of the tornadoes. He is unhurt.